
The Democratic Governors Association is sending staff down for the runoff. Maybe money will follow? Looks like someone in DC thinks Edwards might have a shot. Wasn't long ago that Vitter looked like he was in a dead girl/live boy situation (I'm assuming you get that reference), which a) appears to no longer be the

So perhaps the venue shouldn't have booked the show in the first place, given that ICP's rituals are not a secret.

I'd say it depends on context and intent, and possibly on which adjectives precede the noun. Louis CK had a joke about this in one of his specials, that it's basically the only proper word that can be made into a slur simply by how it's said.

As a Saints fan, the fact that you miss Max Unger takes just a bit of the sting out of losing Graham. Not that I'm suggesting that my team is any better than yours; they're almost certainly much worse.

Am I the only one who saw the interview subject, clicked and immediately scrolled down to see how he answered the supervillain question? I'm a little disappointed that even he couldn't come up with a specific villainous scheme, but at least he seemed properly evil.

It may get pretty crowded up there in a few years.

1. That's not entirely true; the older parts of the city are well above sea level.
2. According to a recent study, sea levels rising will put parts of 400 cities underwater; so basically, we're all fucked.

Is that really good? I must admit that the goofy name kinda put me off, but that's obviously a stupid reason. If I'm going to choose between Peaky Blinders, Bloodlines and Narcos, which should I go with? (I'm throwing this out to the group)

Well, he's a murdering human, not a monster, so I reckon he doesn't qualify.

Set it in Baton Rouge or New Orleans and the state will give you tax credits; i.e., free money. Although I guess NO has been done/is being done.

Thanks for the link; that was pretty great

I think I heard him tell this story on Letterman or something…

I will admit to being into Korn for the first album or two as a teenager, but even then I made fun of them. The fact that they were so fucking weird was a big part of the appeal; I'd never heard anything like them. As they got popular their records were given a bit more studio sheen for radio play; the songwriting

I know you're joking, but I'm bored so I'll answer anyway.
I don't have Hulu, so dunno. But I've heard Hulu has ads, even in movies. If that's true, then yes.

Me too, and also rather enjoyed it. I'm not a big horror buff but I thought it was well done for the most part. Pretty scary, with a sense of humor without making Freddy a wisecracking clown as they seemed to do in the later ones (which I've only seen bits and pieces of). The last shot was pretty great.

Or a 30 Rock fan. Or, well, you know, more than one thing.

To be fair, it never occurred to me either to take that drowning line literally until I heard that goofy urban legend. So that part could have slipped her mind. Still pretty weird.

By sheer coincidence, I just watched Nightmare on Netflix for the first time. The verdict: Pretty good!

There was a clip posted here just the other day from The Joy of Sects where Burns is talking about starting his own religion and says something to Smithers like "You would kneel to me, wouldn't you?" and Smithers says something like "Boy would I!" and Burns gives a "Yes" in a tone that suggests that he knows before

He's exaggerating, but not making it up. Jindal wrote an article in a student magazine when he was at Oxford where he described watching a purported exorcism, although he says that he's not sure whether he actually witnessed "spiritual warfare." As I recall, he describes himself basically backing away from the whole