
Wait, do you mean you didn't know the episode, or didn't know which religion they were making fun of? The title is referencing the latter. I correctly guessed "Scientology," and I clicked on the article to see if I was right, so at least in my case the title was successful.

I took "particularly" as meaning "even more so than usual"

I'm not going to debate you on the merits of veganism or vegetarianism. I'm an omnivore, but I know there are very strong arguments in favor of the choice you've made. And Bourdain does make a lot of sarcastic comments about vegetarianism in general.
But here's what I don't get: Why wouldn't you want them to show the

I wonder if part of the issue is that here in the states, you can't really be "fired" by your party. If you say you're a Democrat or a Republican, you just are. And if you can win a primary, which often means catering to the most extreme elements, folks that tend to favor that party will vote for you almost


I stand corrected. As for your two suggested explanations, I'll go with lying. Thanks for braving the act of actually visiting his website.

Is he really even "completely wrong" on immigration, though? Didn't he come out and say that he wants to make legal immigration easier? I'm not saying his policy is consistent [wouldn't the murderers and rapists just use the open "door"?] and the get-Mexico-to-pay-for-the-wall thing is bonkers, but I think I would be

I just don't understand this post at all. Yes, you are correct that there was a very obvious "freakshow element" with MJ. But you are incorrect that "everyone studiously looked away from" that element. It was discussed constantly, throughout his entire career.

By "contrived," I was referring to the phony tough-guy routine that you mentioned in an earlier post. But I agree with basically everything you say in the post above this one; my point is that none of it has anything to do with the quality of the songs themselves. And again, I'm not saying you MUST like any of his

I'm not sure how old you are, but I was a little kid when Thriller was huge, and while I liked it at the time, even at that age I knew something was 'off' about him. And it's not that I was particularly perceptive; his weirdness was definitely part of the cultural conversation about him all along.
But I'm not sure what

Do you mean Thibodaux, La.? Because you definitely don't need to be rich, although it helps to be really old.

Tom Green had a show "not long ago"? This is news to me. Not altogether happy news.

No it's an unjustified war, and soldiers can't exactly pick and choose. Call Bush/Cheney war criminals if you like, but terrorism is something else.

"Maligned" is a little strong, but I think many people, including me, enjoyed it less than season 1 and 3, perhaps because it got a little too far from "the street." I found myself much more impressed the second time through.

I thought that the critic explained quite clearly the flaws in the film. Meanwhile, you have offered no evidence that he went into it with his mind made up, yet you make the accusation nonetheless. If you think this is a good film, explain why.

If you work in the arts and don't have a day job to pay the bills, I think that counts as successful.

In fact, forget the stew!

At this point, I'd be satisfied with a Jarius Byrd sighting. Oh, and maybe a GM who doesn't also have another job with the team next door.

GWAR?! Why, I just attended my first GWAR show, where I was drenched in the blue semen of an alien marauder with four penises. I'd say that qualifies as the highest art! Good day sir!

Wait, so we're sure he's not kidding about most of this?