
"Bobby Jindal [is] Indian"
Don't tell him that…

Yes. I wouldn't take that as a slam on the band or on prog in general. Rock music, by definition, is low art.

Brutal is a good word for it. This is definitely one of my top "it's really good, but I don't necessarily recommend it" films.

That's an interesting point that I was wondering about myself. I mean, the film does sound pretty bad. Surely there's some way to express the same views in a less hackneyed way, right?
On the other hand, one could argue that there's no point in reviewing a film like this at all, at least not in the traditional sense.

I was wondering if anyone else would post this. Also, I just did some googling, and apparently, there's another book called Five Chinese Brothers that contains the act of "swallowing the ocean" referenced in the REM song Seven Chinese Brothers, and which I also remember as being a plot point from the Seven Chinese

Alcohol + weed is basically my favorite buzz. Booze unaccompanied can feed into my depressive tendencies, but a strong drink and a few good tokes just seems to balance everything out.

Ah, sorry, missed the reference. [I should note that I had a few drinks before turning on the film, so probably missed or forgot several aspects] But yeah, I basically agree with your take on the film. I knew going in that it wasn't a pure adventure movie, but I think I was expecting more of an obvious satire or

OK, you've got my attention. What are you referring to?

Watched "Starship Troopers" for the very first time. It wasn't as funny or as spoof-y as I was expecting. Just a really grim and sardonic take on the pointlessness of war, but with a smiley face.

"They pretty explicitly are saying that he's a product of forces larger than himself"–arguably true–"and therefore not really responsible for what he did (or at least that it's understandable and human that he'd have these particular weaknesses and hypocricies)"-not true.
From the article:
"He was, after all, raised

It's not a zero-sum game. I agree with you that the piece indulged in a bit of finger-wagging at some of internet shaming directed at Duggar and others over this Ashley Madison stuff. But there seems to be a notion among some people around these parts that she was defending Duggar, which she fundamentally was not. She

No. Everyone here, writers and commenters, is cutting Josh Duggar exactly zero slack, although there was a Newswire here yesterday about Duggar that a lot of people seem to have misunderstood.

Did you read the entire item? She makes a point of saying that Duggar is repulsive, and that he's part of a much larger cultural problem. In other words, it sounds like she agrees with you.

This Newswire does not defend Josh Duggar in any way. It condemns him, repeatedly. It simply posits that he's part of a much bigger problem.

That was my initial thought too, but when the question asks if it will end in "some horrible apocalypse" and he says "I haven't written it yet, so I don't know," that makes me worry. I'm probably just being paranoid and over-parsing his words.

Sorry if this is discussed downthread, but: Did he just say that he didn't know how the story is going to end? Doesn't that contradict everything we've been told up to this point?

And of course to my ears as an English speaker, everything sounds much cooler in French.

I'm a loyal, longtime reader of this site, and I enjoyed this article. I have never watched the show and likely never will, but I've heard a lot about it, so it's interesting to me to learn a little about it and to hear a theory as to why it's popular.
In other words, I call bullshit on your theory.

Someone on one of the sports talk shows made a decent point about this yesterday: The sort of meathead that would refuse to accept a woman head coach, even one that's proven she's up to the task and had the backing of the organization behind her, probably isn't the sort of guy you can win with anyway.

The "Becky Hammon as head coach" discussion is way premature. I mean, she's only been a full-time assistant for like a year, right? But I could see it at some point; perhaps she'll be Pop's successor. And you can't tell me someone like Pat Summit wouldn't have been respected by male players, had she chosen to go that