
I need to visit the UK at xmastime just to experience this. I would karaoke the fuck out of this song. Not just the best holiday song; one of my favorite songs period.

Which leads to the inescapable conclusion that Pluto is "an invention created by the illuminati" Not kidding.

Trying to sell a couple records while reminding people that he's still alive.

Well, it's only eight episodes. I'm not sure why someone who sees absolutely no redeeming value would stick around (I've never understood the term "hate-watch"), but I bet many people who are complaining are also like "welp, I'm halfway through at this point, may as well see where this goes." Most people don't turn

But that's what I mean. If no one cares about your new music, are you still truly relevant? I say no, you're an oldies act. Which is fine; I don't begrudge people going to those shows. But to me, "rock star" implies a certain cultural relevance that a decades-past-their-prime band doesn't have.
On the other hand, I'm

I think that Facebook is more tolerable if you keep your number of "friends" low. Basically all of my FB friends are also IRL friends, so it feels like a constant conversation with people I actually like that I can jump into and out of when I feel like it.

OK, my apologies for misunderstanding your original post.
Grohl just seems so nice and grounded and well-adjusted to be a real rock star to me. Kanye fits the profile so much better.

That is not the argument you were making 2 hours ago. But you haven't answered my question: Who's your pick for greatest living rock star?

Don't need to. Notice I said "mainstream relevance," not "historical relevance."

OK, but that's a different argument. And even if you look at it that way, the people you mention don't contend for "biggest" in 2015.
Which raises the question: If we're being genre-specific, who is the biggest rock star? Dave Grohl? The Coldplay guy? Fucking Bono? Taylor Swift is more pop-country, so I guess she's

Not "masterstroke." More like "Kanye being Kanye."

You're joking, right? Right now, Kanye's bigger than all those guys put together. They're all still living, but none of them are all that big right now in terms of mainstream relevance.

I'm pretty sure Kanye West cares very much what EVERYONE thinks of him.

I didn't really recognize it until "welcome to the new age." I don't find it that terrible, just really mediocre. Not catchy at all for a "pop" song.

I think they should, but I don't blame them for not doing so. It's kind of a touchy subject, and it would be hard to strike the right tone. Their trademark snark would seem in poor taste and a little gloat-y, but going all serious like someone died would seem maudlin. And like you say, up to this point I think they've

Wikipedia seems to think that it's not fallacious if every point on the slope's continuum is supported by a proper argument. In my mind, if that is the case, then it's not actually a slippery slope. [That to me suggests more of a staircase metaphor.] Not sure how many people use it the way I have, but perhaps that's

"But he's also the most compromised of all the cops and seems to have no path to redemption." Yes, that's what I like best about him as a character.
"And Antigone is just not interesting. She's mean and distant." OK, I guess I can give you that. I'm enjoying McAdams' performance, so maybe I'm enjoying the character

Well, I can't really help you with the "when" question. I can tell you that I learned it that way back in the mid-90s, and haven't thought much about it since. Googling the subject just now for the first time ever, Wikipedia describes it as a potentially legitimate logical device that "is usually known under its

Umm, well, maybe, but citing it doesn't help your argument. I think you're better off not mentioning the slippery-slopeness of your logic.

Seriously, "never"? That's unfair, but I assume that you're exaggerating to make a point.