
Interesting, I've never heard of an "eye dialect." Thanks for the thoughtful response.
It's nice that one can learn stuff here, as opposed to other internet comment spaces where if you try to wade in you just feel yourself getting dumber.

It doesn't end. We'll just have to keep making decisions on a case-by-case basis, as we always have in society. Not to mention, one network pulling reruns of a sitcom is not the same as someone destroying the masters or whatever; the show still exists, and people can probably find it on YouTube or whatever. Also, I

Not sure if you're kidding, but: You seem to be confusing the show "Cosby" with "The Cosby Show." And yes, it is a little harder for people to enjoy a gentle family sitcom when the star seems to have been a predator. The success of his shows is intrinsically tied in with his persona, which is not the case for every

I dunno, in this case there are literally dozens of accusers. I don't know that it's relevant to your situation. That doesn't stop someone from twisting it in the way you suggest, but the rest of us should be able to refute that line of reasoning pretty easily.

I like what you've said here: "free speech, the principle, is beyond mere law." Constitutional issues aside, it sometimes is worth asking how much we support the general concept of free expression.
That said, it seems appropriate to treat online harassment the same way as IRL harassment, and it seems fair for, say,

It is, actually. And I don't think it's fair to mock Dickinson for this; if you don't know The Room, this letter would seem legit to you too, wouldn't it? I am looking forward to hearing her discuss it on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me.

Thanks for the response, but I guess I'm just dense. The word "hi" doesn't sound any different to me in the film than in the rest of the English-speaking world, so I don't get why it would be spelled differently.

I don't understand. Why wouldn't you care about the murder of a bent industrialist? Why wouldn't you care about the damaged female cop? Or a violent drunk? Those all sound like interesting characters to me.

But I bet there are police stations in California where they'd like to post something like "eat shit and die," and maybe you've met dudes that would see the "fuck you" grille and think it was really cool. I'd say a lot of the Louisiana settings were like that: based on something that could well have been real but just

Sorry, but this has been bugging me: Why do fans of this film sometimes spell "hi" as "hai"? I've seen most of it, but I don't get the reference.

I don't claim to understand this part of the song, just upvoting for the reference.

The first time I tried to watch his latest special, I turned it off out of boredom. But I gave it another shot and ended up liking it well enough. The bit where he borrowed the woman's phone and riffed on the text messages she had exchanged with a guy she recently met was funny. I wasn't planning to read this book,

I enjoy much of his standup, but I'm not sure you're missing all that much. I think he's one of those comedians who is able to get by on charisma even when the material isn't all that sharp.

This was mostly terrible, but he had probably the best answer so far for no. 8. He was mistaken for another celebrity BY another celebrity.

That's right, people are "pretending" to love a band that made one of the best rocknroll records of all time. Strange, I know.

Which is one of many reasons I can't take him seriously. I don't think he wants to file his financials.

Also on Sling TV, which was a nice surprise when I signed up. Not that I watch it that often–I find it hard to watch movies with commercial breaks–but I like knowing it's available. They did a marathon of female-led kung fu movies to celebrate International Women's Day or something, which was cool.

I think I remember what he's referring to. It was one of those wildlife segments that talk shows do from time to time. Can't remember for sure if it was a vulture, but this giant, dangerous-looking bird ended up getting into the audience. Wonder if anyone sued.

Holy shit, Sling has been killing me with ads for The DUFF. Just the idea that Mae Whitman is ugly or fat; I mean, maybe it's not so offensive in context (haven't seen the movie and won't) but seriously, that movie can fuck the fuck off

Where I live in Louisiana, they're apparently waiting for the 5th Circuit to give them the go-ahead. I must admit that I haven't really given much thought as to whether they're on solid ground with that, or if they're dragging their feet just because they can. I also haven't read the opinions. I guess I'm just not