
Sorry, I thought you honestly didn't know what a DH is, so I was trying to explain it the simplest way I could think of.
I'm not sure the average pitcher would become a decent hitter under your scenario, but surely more of them would be at least semi-competent. I'd phase out the DH if it was up to me. It makes the

This is the correct answer, basically. Also, pitching is so important that being able to hit is almost irrelevant. Notice how catchers and shortstops don't have to be as good at hitting to make the big leagues because defense at those positions has a higher importance than at others. Although I have to agree with some

Yep, his comment below indicates he's quite familiar. That's what I get for trying to be helpful!

Congratulations to you and your spouse.

Designated hitter. In the American League, pitchers don't bat. Teams have designated hitters that bat in their place. Because pitchers are terrible at hitting.

It was a choice that apparently conflicts with the network's standing policies. I must admit that I'm talking out of my ass because I haven't seen the show, so I don't know how it's presented to the audience. But when the producer says publicly that it was left out because it wasn't interesting enough–which, that

Call it what you want, but you don't let subjects dictate the content. I like the idea that at least PBS maintains certain standards in the face of bullshit pseudo-educational channels like History, etc.

fyi, he's right, although I haven't seen a new episode in a while. not even sure if they make 'em anymore.

Yes, I'm not sure why he (I assume it's a he) didn't change his name, but I know I downvoted him on two separate threads yesterday. Same name, different avatar.

Yes, but that's not why. It's for your own good, really.

I'm from Baton Rouge where they started, and they were always a solid, reasonably intelligent guitar-pop band that put on a pretty good live show. Sort of along the lines of the Gin Blossoms but better IMO. Not sure what the band's up to lately, however, and I'm going to go ahead and assume this hybrid is going to be

I didn't see that at all. It seemed that Ani was surprised, both at her sister's presence and at the fact that it wasn't actually a whorehouse. But I was pretty tipsy while watching, so I could be wrong.

In a similar vein: Stan Smith.

Oh, I don't mean to defend the sentence, exactly, more trying to parse its meaning.
And yeah, agree on Dr. Evil. They also spoofed the "let's use needlessly elaborate means to try to kill the hero instead of just shooting him in the head" thing, which I think is originally a Bond trope. [Full disclosure: I haven't

While the Bond movies obviously inform Austin Powers, I don't think it's meant to be a direct parody; at least, not entirely. The Flint movies were definitely a big influence that Myers has cited. In my recollection, Austin Powers is a fish-out-of-water comedy as much as anything.
Also, the second sentence says "riff

My favorite This is SportsCenter ad featured Steiner wearing war paint: "Follow me…to freedom!"

That's an interesting suggestion. I guess I'm not fully clear on which sorts of antennas still work since the big digital transition a few years back. Not sure if you can even buy a TV with the old-school-style antennas on top.

Talk shows about various subjects have been around for a long, long time. People have been talking about sports as long as there have been sports. I don't know why a talk show about sports is so hard for you to fathom.

I think tall buildings nearby might have been my issue. I do live downtown, but I don't live in a major city. If those antennas don't work in urban areas, it should say so on the package or something.

El Rey is fucking cool. I'd never pay for it specifically, but it's a fun throw-in on Sling TV.