
Its okay, volkswagen engines are known for their reliability and longevity... 

The cow repeatedly refused to follow instructions issued to it by authorities and after all other options were exhausted, police performed several PIT maneuvers on the bovine, successfully taking it into custody.

Every person who’s ever lived on or near a farm knows the best way to get a cow to move is to...repeatedly hit it with a car, ideally until it’s injured and can’t move on its own. And it’s not like they’re big and heavy at all, so they definitely won’t do any damage to the vehicle.

The only thing that surprises me is how long it took for it to happen.

Yea, that isn’t gonna do anything. When I replaced my wife’s old Acura’s cat, I sold it to some dude with out of state plates in a mini-van with maybe 100 already in there. I know they weren’t all obtained legally, mine was, but no way this guy was just picking up cats from a ton of home mechanics that had replaced

Those secondary markets already exist with tradesmen & mechanics running fence for crackheads on cats & wire to the recycling yards. The crackdown needs to come at sentencing when the courts actually pin someone for theft instead of handling them with kid gloves.

A. Financial literacy is horrible in this country, and for good reason. We have huge businesses built on predatory lending and taking advantage of ignorance.

Maximus, I think you should take the kid gloves off. Don’t sugar coat it, be brutally honest - tell us what you really think of old Donny Deepthoughts.

Donald Trump is an ignorant racist misogynistic bloviating orange windbag who is utterly incapable of speaking a single grain of truth. He is a petulant man-child who whines insufferably and incessantly when things don’t go his way. He cannot accept fault. That he was allowed within 10 miles of the White House at all

He continues to pander to the rubes that see ANY kind of EV as cultural genocide.

That’s why you go to the state consumer protection agency. The state will go after shady businesses for you, without costing you money. 

First clue that the dealership was going to fuck everybody over the first chance they got:

The internet was a mistake.

It’s almost like misfortunes can strike in a split second and leave you needing something more than bootstraps to get back on your feet.

I wonder if their position on receiving government assistance changed dramatically in the past week.

Welcome to September 1993. Today is Monday, Sept 11220th 1993.

Every time I’ve bought a new car, it came with a full tank of gasoline. Do they not fully charge cybertrucks as part of delivery?  The guy’s first drive was to a charging station 35 miles away...

hilarious - they gave his brand brand brand new car a quick wash and vacuum. You sure don’t get that at legacy automakers.

Yup nothing makes a white guy angry like them being treated like they treat a non white guy. It is instructive.

White boys mad they are being treated the way they demand not white people be treated and are somehow mad. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣