
I’m normally on the ACAB side, but I’m really struggling to be displeased with what the cop did here.

WTF is this article doing on Jalop? Bad editorial choice.

Can’t wait to see playerless E-sports. 

This is a first rate comment.  Well done.

Well, you’re the second person to confidently suggest balloon, so I’m going to go with balloon.

Yeah this is total bullshit. Most likely a *round* mylar balloon, or something similar.


Hey, at least the US Midwest will not be known as “Flyover Country” anymore! And those liberal elites trying to fly from NYC to LA or SF will have to do stopovers in Canada or Mexico to meet their beloved immigrants, it’s a GOP win-win all around! (except corporate executives will not really like to take a 15-hour

Especially rich that legislators from Pennsylvania and Kentucky, two of the biggest coal mining states, are concerned about condensed water vapor in the air as a mind-controlling pollutant’ or whatever horseshit they believe. fucking knuckle draggers

Sure looks like the plant in Byron.

I should also point out that this is setting up to be a classic Republican legislation where they do not think through the consequences - they are painting themselves into a corner.

I guess I’d rather they waste their time chasing legislation for things that are non-existent and will not hurt anyone when outlawed rather than their normal daily activities of trying to destroy the public education system, or taking away reproductive rights, or codifying bigotry into law.  

Come on.  No.  These are not forward thinking bills.  They are 100% for the people that think planes are spewing mind controlling substances to fall on the populous, which does not exist in reality.

They are so stupid wssting time on chemtrail legislation when they should be focused on is comprehensive elephant stampede laws!

I was kind of incredulous about chemtrails before, but now that I’ve read up, I am awakening to the dangers. Getting woke about chemtrails, if you will.

Not sure if it’s still performative stupidity by disingenuous republican elected officials (for the benefit of their uneducated, mouth breathing red-hat voters), or ACTUAL stupidity by republican elected officials.  Either way, this is a shitty timeline we’re living in.

Ah, I missed that. I need new glasses, I guess.

Was the tour that overran a ship tour, or an independent one? Because if it was the latter, then every cruiser knows this is a risk. Ship departure schedules are set in stone, engraved in gold, they will leave without you. It is something you accept. The skipper will spit you right out on the quayside if your own