
Yeah it’s not like wine at all.

and you’re likely to save a few cents per gallon over using the pump-mixed mid-grade gasoline

Holy fuck, and you guys kept harping on the Tesla design. The lady had 8-fuckin minutes and she wasted them. If you are so drunk that you’d use 8-minutes to call your friend while your car is sinking, I don’t think it could possibly be designed well enough to make up for such poor inebriated decision making.

The solution is to sell the car and get out of debt with a cheap used car she can actually afford. The solution is to not buy a new car, because she can’t afford it. As I wrote in the article.

“due to some paperwork issues…”

Once again, the Simpsons predict the future

It’s all pretty wild. Billions of reasons to keep getting defense contracts. Billions of reasons to keep selling airplanes.

That LP reflection is fun.   Also that is a fake plate based off the numbers.  

Also, believe it or not, any Hummer that is owned by an actual government military agency.

I never stop being amazed at how ugly and stupid-looking that thing is.

Trucks with flags.

I’ve rarely had a decent experience on the road with anyone who drives a Dodge - any model. :-\

Any Hummer that isn’t owned by an actual government military agency.

How dare an aircraft use an air field! Don’t they know that airfields are for snowmobiles?! It’s right there in the name.

Uh-huh, and Sonny Bono should have sued that tree, right?

Of course the police station in the middle of a 300 person town needs a several machine guns, a bazooka, and a tank

No one is asking the critical question -- which hotel’s key card?


Yes, but when was the last time you heard of a duck’s door blowing off mid flight?