
Did someone piss in your cheerios again?

“Sadly though low sales, buyers still caught up in badge perception and a market largely moving away from unique, fun stuff”

Nobody else thinks this vehicle looks sorta odd?

 Given the massive population in this market, and their unwillingness to understand how money works, I’d say it’s smart... ish.

I wish I could give more than 1 star. Bravo.

It’s the car they* didnt want you** to have.

I had no idea these weren’t just Jeeps. <shrug>

Her name is really, “Timmie John”? BRAAAAAAA......

Sounds awful, but there is no way it was literally true that there were no hotel rooms anywhere. There may have been no hotel rooms in United’s system of hotels they usually use for such circumstances. When that happens, you book your own and then demand reimbursement from the airline.

That’s why planes have two wings.

Delams are really easy to detect by tapping with something like a penny or a washer. I have to check my 40+ year old boat regularly for the same thing. I don’t have a $3000 handheld density meter. I guess the airlines don’t either. 

***Takes a big swig of Old Milwaukee***

Calling it a wing disintegrating I actually think is fair, since the general public won’t know the difference between the structural part of the wing and its control surfaces, and certainly won’t know the proper terminology. They’ll recognize its one of the moving parts on the wing and not know what to call it, and

This AD requires repetitive inspections and audible tap tests

Ya, you gotta getcha yerself two or three ratchet straps on that and it’ll stay there.

Read this on Flyertalk:

The 757-200 has not been manufactured since 2004, so this is exceptionally unlikely to be any fault of Boeing’s. Heck, the entire 757 line is obsolete. (But remains popular in aftermarket sales anyway, because they’re rather peppy. This makes them inefficient, but they’re great for hot, dry climates and for the

nice click bait headline, the wing didn’t disintegrate, a part of the slat did. they were never in any serious danger.


This is just sad and more than a little pathetic. Another poster made a similar comparison already, but it’s like trying to exchange beets for the corned beef in a ruben.