
This looks and sounds like 1993, which is also the current year in Canada.

Red water was already burnt, so this water can’t catch on fire like other blue/clear water, duh.

Along with car commercials,she should make a hood ornament like this:

Worst steering wheel ever.

He then proceeded to sexually assault the rabbit. Welcome to 2017.

The grand scheme of whose things? You? I guess. The rabbit’s? In the rabbit’s grand scheme of things, this dude is a fucking hero.

I assume you haven’t seen the rest of the video.

“My heart is still in the process of growing three times its normal size...”

Bingo. If he fouled this up this badly, what else is waiting to be discovered? “So, ah, I meant well but I put poison-darts in the seat, so every time you ride you probably will end up with ricin poisoning. Doh, silly me!”

CP, I’d be surprised if you don’t spend the price of the bike again just getting it back to

The ad claims that while reassembling the engine he installed the camshafts incorrectly and then bent the valves upon turning it over.

Probably a good thing, this thing probably has one of those Takata claymores in the steering wheel.

Ah, Michigan. Proof that maybe vehicle inspections SHOULD exist.

Sounds like Mr. Kazemi can’t drive.

Cute dogs.

They’ve changed a T intersection with unmarked turn areas into a three way intersection at odd approach angles and no turn lanes. The intersection wasn’t set up right in the first place but it’s now a new kind of wrong with its own problems.

probably laughed at us khaki and polo-rocking enginerds (if they weren’t laughing, they should have been; we are terrible dressers.)

I just wrote out a whole diatribe regarding this article, but I decided to narrow my focus a little.

Why haven’t devices like this caught on already? I keep seeing them in the news as a concept, but it seems like it’s always remained as that. However, I’m not a police officer, so I don’t know if these actually work well in real-life scenarios.

Spills also are likely to happen more on the drivers side as well, carpet gets damp and leads to rust from the inside.