
I like projects and all, but you might as well use this as the donor to a non-rust belt project car.

Psh, David is their leader, they would never hurt him.

I am betting the cop was actually baiting the guy after the first honk, basically trying to see if he would honk again.

It’s asshole vs asshole for sure, but I’m going with the asshole abusing his position of authority over the asshole needlessly wailing on his horn in annoyance.

I’ve seen it time and time again. If a cop really wants you to have a ticket, you are going to have a ticket. You know, to protect and serve.

Perfect time to haggle. “So is there any wiggle room on that price?”

Well this little beauty checks off all of the right boxes; 4.2L straight 6, 5 speed manual, 2/4wd, wagon… Most likely, you folks are gonna kvetch about the price, and you may have a decent argument, but I challenge you to find another in this condition, assuming the mileage is trustworthy. As for the tachometer issue,

NP: Only because I want one so badly and this is a fine example.

If you guessed Daylight Savings, then you’d be right!

OMG my eyes, MY EYES!!!

Bonus: now you have a sweet RC truck short course in your backyard too.

Should have built a pump track, not having to pedal a bicycle and constantly hitting jumps is much more fun.

Stuff like this is why HOAs shouldn’t exist.

Stuff like this is why HOAs exist.

Rightly or wrongly, the minivan has long been imputed as the auto enthusiast’s white flag of surrender.

Now playing

every time I see that video, I instantly think of this.

When I attend my next cocktail party I shall share this bit of wisdom and the attendees will weep in awe at the depth of my knowledge and I will be showed with many opportunities for employee that greatly exceed my current station in life.

I miss the good old blue tint strip at the top of windshields. I’m glad I still have one car at home with one.

I learned all about the frit when I was building a custom fastback for my car. The rear glass was a bear. The first one was made from a custom cut RV windshield. It shattered during the build. The second one was made again from a custom cut RV windshield, and I used a special “frit paint” along the edge. The