
Someone took two cars I would never want, fused them together and created a nexus of “fuck that” the likes of which I have seldom seen before. I require payment just to look at the whole ad.

No because the democrats don’t have numbers to pass any legislation. They might as well be jerking off into a ceiling fan.

I’m seriously concerned he is going to treat our armed forces like this is a game of Command & Conquer.

I love how it says “VIN number”. Classic Mopar stuff right there.

Be the first one there!

Sedan DeVille

Well, considering this is pretty clear and public violation of DoDD 1344.10, it should be investigated as an article 15, at least.
But, considering the “special” nature, it’ll be a slap on the wrist.

Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:

Seems like the military taking political sides is pretty divisive.

You fucking dumbass, no Navy unit serves a president (aside from that president being a US citizen like any other US citizen). We’re not in Chile or the Philippines or Thailand.

Why? Is the American flag not good enough for them anymore?

Keeping 63,000,000 rubes distracted and chanting “USA! USA!” while they get on with filleting the Constitution…

“When the Navi’s a rockin...”

It was also hard to see where the fire mentioned in the article was. So on top of everything else, for all we knew the people toward the back thought they were going to burn up if they didn’t get off the bus quickly. The one that gets me isn’t so much the guy who kicked the door open, but the lady who climbed OVER

See this shit? This is why you’re Senior Editor, Torch. Bravo.

When I discovered there was a gap between my girlfriend’s bed and the wall- when I heard her father coming down the stairs

Are diamonds a carb?

This is the problem right now, and why Trump is winning this war for the actual power in America: people are still dealing with him in civil and normal terms, as if both sides of this fight were operating inside the same boundaries of democracy and public accountability. As this Senator is doing, expecting that such a