
Is this another one of your ‘thermal expansion’ theories? Warming up an engine is inconvenient for me, so I’ll be following my alternate facts, allowing me to do whatever the hell I want. If my engine does suffer, it’s undoubtedly due to cheap Mexican parts and corrupt corporate leadership, trapping me in an endless

In a few years cold winters will be a thing of the past.

As a normal, rational human being I sit here say wtf?!?!!?!?!

And never until now has it had an actual chance at succeeding.

I read that dealership as “Bacon and Ranch” and got WAY too excited.

They can tweet from their personal accounts all they want. Partisan opinions have no place on an official Park Service account.

The big picture though. It sends the message “We will catch you no matter what”.

In other deep thoughts, why did I waste all that money on door locks when nobody even breaks in?

I too have heard that this is something people tell to other people.

I thought maybe they were racing or something, but it looks like the motorcycle merges a few seconds into the video...

None of that shit matters any more. People don’t care about logic or truth.

There’s that moment in every dead company’s history where a new boss shows up and tells everyone

Tow truck drivers tend to come with cops right behind them though and the cops may ask questions you don’t want to answer. Like “How did you end up in that ditch and why does the 5 miles of tracks in the snow ending at your car preceding this scene look like someone’s been driving exuberantly?”

There’s a reason why recovery licenses are a thing. That’s an actual skill that your buddy with his dad’s tractor likely doesn’t possess. Call a real tow truck.

It is a complete hack job at writing. By someone who didn’t bother to look up many facts. Like what rebar stands for or how it is used.

American engineers who work with structural steel. In the arcane industry to keep buildings and bridges from collapsing. I work with them on a daily basis. They’re great guys once you get to know them.

Believe it or not, kips is an extremely common unit in large-scale structures testing. Since people still work in English units, but tons are inconvenient, and you need SOME sort of shortening when you’re talking about hundreds of thousands of pounds.

The article should be reinforced with brute knowledge

Fuck Donald Trump a million and half times. I hope pretending to be president ruins his life.