
Now I know where they got the idea for “The Excellent.”

Can we get some explanation of the visualization? I mean it is visually interesting, but I’m not sure how to interpret the gray backwash, the blue contrails coming from the tips, or the red/blue kaleidoscoping that is happening near the body of the craft.

My favorite thing about this election is that the same people who always bitched that Obama was soft on Putin are now enthusiastically supporting a guy who is openly sucking his dick. Excuse my language.

Seriously at this point how the fuck is this real life. It’s too much to absorb. Like my new reality has shifted too quickly and I can’t fucking handle it. If I had the money I seriously would just go and herd cows at this point. The world has gone fucking mad.

So we on the left are the patriots now and they’re the commie-loving traitors, right? Russia has taken over without firing a single shot and we are now a banana republic, being ruled by a puppet government. I can not comprehend what’s happening, I just can’t.


Flurry Road.

Worth the clickthrough


That guy is literally one of the worst human beings to walk on the face of this planet.



Are you telling me I can get a manual diesel car again?

I’m actually really interested in this thing now.

me too but after hearing the commentary i leave satisfied.

Translation - The rest of the world doesn’t share you need to over masculinize trucks so you get your own.

Oh fucking fuck me. Fuck this. Fuck Trump. Fuck anyone who voted for him. I don’t give a shit if you like to hear it, Trump voters. You just steered our country directly toward the pits of hell, and if your feelings are hurt by me telling you that, good. Maybe you will think next time you vote instead of pulling the

So he got paid really well to lie to the government and the American people for a while. Then he got caught.

Does this count as accidental anal?

You know cars have come a long way when a Jeep can holeshot a Lamborghini.

No matter what kind of shit Trump gets up to, keep one eye on Paul Ryan.

I wonder what could happen if they should drive that thing in what should be the normal environment for a regular car, that’s to say in the open air on a normal road... maybe it will turn into ashes in a flash of flame, like a vampire at dawn??