
The Gilbert Gottfried version is also excellent.

The Aristocrats! Ha! Wonder how many will get that one....

Yes, Velma is a babe. Daphne can hit the bricks with her drama.

Well there was that 5 months he was in jail.

My grandmother has a cabin up in the mountains in a small village called Cloudcroft, New Mexico. It’s pretty much the ideal place to go for a vacation: beautiful scenery consisting of pine trees and mountains as far as the eye can see; summer temperatures that rarely approach 80°; abundant hiking and biking trails


Alternate title-

I want to stop writing about dumb tweets. Please make the dumb tweets stop. Please.

Time to play America’s fastest growing game show... which crap and/or fake news report was Trump half watching which stirred him to fire off this latest tweet attacking an American company?

Are we going to have 4 years of these stupid tweets or is some staffer going to muster up the balls to tell him to stop?

I for one support sending Trump to the moon.

the demo video shows doing exactly that, but that would require everyone to not have run out of fucks. and carrying actual tools in their car...

You can tell it’s not America because a bunch of people stopped to help.

I’ve never put tire chains on anything besides a tractor, but I’ve also never lived anywhere that mandated them in winter either. I’m not sure how much help they’d really be in Michigan winters. But we also don’t have mountains either.

Regardless of party affiliation, anyone with even a passing understanding of modern global nuclear strategy would find Trump’s statements misguided, uneducated, and dangerous.

“If we have them, why cant’ we use them?” Trump asked this multiple times, and now he’s in charge of them. Good fucking job deplorables.

I’m having a hard time feeling any sympathy for Trump voters who get health benefits via the exchange or who receive Medicare/Social Security who seem stunned that the continuation of these benefits is now in real jeopardy. I feel sorry for everyone smart enough not to vote for Trump who will lose access to these

Notably missing from the list is “my buddy’s Mustang” which always has way more power than Ford ever claimed.

Excellent demonstration of the one thing to really remember and stick to when you’re pulled over: be white.

Can’t wait to read about it getting pulled over and towed away.