
Still not as scary looking as these two

As frightening as these images appear, it’s still a cool opportunity to learn about deep sea biology. I wish Gizmodo had identified the creatures.

For five grand you could also buy this quadrasteer.

He’s not wrong. The people who are willing to look past Trump bragging about committing sexual assault because he promised them that The Steel Mill Will Reopen! weren’t going to be dissuaded by him saying “n****r”—in part because so many of them use the word themselves.

For some reason I think if the kids designed it it would end up looking something like this:

Allemon was only doing his Civic duty.

So you got to use the line “Thanks Obama” and have an actual point for doing so. Classy.

Exactly. Most people think that a car with ABS stops faster, but the point of ABS is to be able to control the car under heavy braking by stopping the wheels locking up. A normal car, on dry tarmac, actually stops in a shorter distance (up to 2 car lengths shorter in some cases) without ABS then with ABS.

Well it’s in Ubers rules that you can’t have a gun while working and the driver agrees to that as part of the terms. So at that point Uber could fire him regardless of the law.

Oh yeah. I had an 06 Civic on Blizzaks in college that was unstoppable in Western/Upstate NY... except for the two occasions I just went too deep.

I’m struggling to get behind this.

Nailed it. He is all over IG; his red Hellcat Charger was stolen, so he picked up a z06, all after he sold his Jeep SRT.

You all shouldn’t give this kid the time of day. But that is my humble opinion (saying this makes it ok on the webz, right?)

The same. When I read this, I couldn’t help to think ‘well this is nice. I’ll be keeping an eye out for the story that this was all a planned hoax in a few days’

Take the salty route: find a set of old Bronco keys off ebay. Put them in a box under the tree.

People need to stop with this shit. My dad is going to start expecting my brother and I to restore some old Bronco and it ain’t happening.

sucks how I feel like all these things are fake at first

I’m sure that eventually, to make money, the TSA will start fining people arbitary amounts. “You attempted to bring on a carry on too large for the plane. You’ll be fined $10,000 and the bear will be conficsated and destroyed in front of your child’s eyes while a TSA agent holds her and tells her how awful her parents

Nah, 93 Bonneville, forest green with gold accents.
