
Yeah, I’d imagine the pillars are compromised and would not be as effective in the case of a rollover.

Probably a history repeating itself story. Lightning becomes Doc, has to teach some new kid how to race, etc..

This ain’t right.

And by “right,” I don’t mean “accurate.” Because it’s definitely accurate.

i built an lego replica of his yard

Looks more trail ready and dependable than anything David Tracy is working on in his garage.

The joke is going to be on you when they actually do call you back for an interview.

Why did they install a mailbox in the dash?

I liked it until the last picture when it became apparent the build manager just didn’t a shit and imported a Chinese knock-off of a late 60's Mustang instead of doing it himself.

You’d prefer that elected officials just lie at will with no one pointing it out?

it’s a level 11 model

It’s that look... like when you squeeze out a fart, but maybe shit yourself.

The world is ready for Kirkland’s Best Automotive. In the spirit of Eagle may I present the line up:

I work with people who talk about term limits like they’d be a good thing. And my response is always “if no one doing the job has been there for more than 4 years, no one is going to know what they’re doing. Instead of 30 year congressmen, you’ll have a majority leader’s chief of staff or a party boss who hangs

Almost nailed it, but for future reference Trump has repeatedly referred to the EPA as the DEP (Department of Environmental Protection).

It should come as no surprise that this looks particularly short-sighted to me. Though gas prices go up and down, consumers tend to buy based on prices a the pump as they are. No longer pressuring car companies to to have long-term goals in mind when consumers have shown time and time again to have little to no

James Buchanan? Whose Presidency preceeded the Civil War?

i’m not sure this is the same as electing george w bush. george w was dumb (to put it bluntly). donald trump is dangerous. millions of americans - many of my friends - will lose health insurance. the supreme court is officially gone for a generation. roe v wade could be overturned. we have a lot to lose right now, and

America will. There are vulnerable people here who might not.

The Nazis:

1. Rallied their supporters by protesting the Weimar Republic’s strict gun control policies, saying that they were disarming the German people.

2. Rallied their supporters by protesting the Weimar Republic’s nationalized healthcare plan, saying that noncontributing parasites were costing “real” hardworking

I am part German, and for as long as I can remember, Americans have asked me how on earth Hitler could have been elected in such an advanced and wealthy nation. Perhaps they will no longer have to ask.