
This is what Donald Trump says every time he looks at his polling numbers among African-Americans.

No idea how he got a hold of Louisiana Senate candidate David Duke’s speech.

The ‘fucking lawyers’ were hired by the fucking assholes who fucking hated their fucking neighbor’s fucking garage, you fucking dunce.

Not really much of a win for anyone. The neighbors hate each other and I believe the legal fees for both sides are past $50k.

Eh, I heard more Bubbles at the dickbeaters line.

Well, no, it’s not good enough, but yes, it’s very common.

I always install a dashcam to record my piss breaks, so I may work on my style and technique.

It’s followed the trail back pretty well. At least until the end.

I always put the parking brake on in all my vehicles, doesn’t matter the parking situation. Apply brake in Neutral before putting vehicle in Park

Perfect speed to stay behind the bow wave...I’m impressed. Looks like he’s done it before.

“Some will die in hot pursuit and fiery auto crashes...”

all they need to do is drive five miles before the tires wear out.

Alternately, people could stop being idiots.

So now they have a Magic Lasso to go along with their Bracelets of Submission?

I would pay good money to see a racing series in which you could use these on your opponents.

I gotta be perfectly honest with you all, I think burnouts are dumb. Anti-Lag is cool though.

He wants stricter zero-emissions standards that would boost demand for electric vehicles, including Tesla’s, and force other automakers to sell more of these models instead of using credits to meet their goals more money.

I want to tell her to calm down but then I think about the seething existential rage I experience at people that walk three wide in hallways and amble, or left lane hogs, or people that take too long to use the sugar/cream station at Starbucks, or people that forgot the form at the Post Office, or try and get on the

Can I ride in the flatbed shirtless waving an American flag.