
This certainly has been the October Suprise that keeps on giving.

Just set the world on fire. All of it.

This election isn’t just a dumpster fire, it’s a dumpster fire careening down a hill, causing traffic accidents and slamming right into the side of an orphanage.

“Bill Clinton said ‘retarded’ in 1983. That’s much worse!”

No no no, you’ve got it all wrong. He simply said that she sounds like she’s retarded. That’s it. That’s all! The liberal media is just spinning this non-story, like USUAL. It’s completely different to say that she *sounds* retarded, and not offensive whatsoever unless you’re a special snowflake with wittle baby

I am 32. I consider myself a strong ass woman. Not a victim. NEVER a victim. But what is shocking, and humbling about this entire election is the fact that other women are speaking out about things that I have just accepted in my life as part of being a woman, and that I’ve forgotten about until now. I truly forgot

A lawsuit will never happen. Donald Trump would have to be interviewed under oath during discovery.

This is a bunch of blatantly unsafe horseshit. Shame on Jalopnik for even floating the idea to your readers that this should EVER be done.

What seems to be the problem?

Wait, that hasn’t been going on for decades?

I’m tired of my Facebook feed getting cluttered with false equivalency. “Both candidates are bad, can we get a do over? Lol!”

Listen, if there’s any positive thing to come out of this election it’s that these people are coming forward and identifying themselves. What we gotta do now is wait til the election is over, find these people, tag their ears, and notify the general public that those who are tagged are not to be trusted as teachers,

I think we just did... :(

Tire to tire contact will do it.

A: None of them, a sub-10k used car that you think makes you look rich really makes you look like a poor trying to look rich.

Hey man, that’s a real cool Forester you got there.

Man only the rich kids had those

Maybe. But the news of this “Bronco” is coming from the union, which only wants it to keep Michigan Assembly open. Which has to churn out a shitload of vehicles... so they can’t be messing with some experimental low-volume performance vehicle.