
I’m rather swamped today, can someone please splice that Mustang .gif with the Shaq wiggle .gif? Thank you in advance.

Logical conclusion: All crowd hungry Mustangs are towing improperly loaded invisable trailers.

They want to be The Kennedy Family sooo badly. Only with out all of that hard work and service stuff.

“Look at this poor who is taking our picture.”

Jesus Christ I want to punch them so bad. It’s a satisfaction that would nourish me through prison.

The children of the corn are confused.

That transmission is hilariously simple! I’ve worked on riding mower transmissions that were far more complicated then that thing. Its sort of refreshing to see.

I loooooooove the suggestion that one guy makes about Lester Holt sending Hillary the questions. She was so prepared that she had to have been given them, right? No way she could actually be that studious, that polished, that prepared.

Manufacturing is changing. America is not going to return to a romanticized version of the 1960s.

This guy is too much. However, disproving his lies won’t change anything. His angry lunatic uneducated supporters will continue to believe the lies.

Found him.

I did the cyber with him. For pizza.

“Can you believe how many shitty airports I’ve had to hang out in that don’t even have caviar and hooker service? Why isn’t THAT a campaign issue, I ask you?”

That guy weighs 600 lbs easy.

Best part is that it was on TV.

YEAH! I mean what does a presidential nominees stance on cyber security have ANYTHING to do with technology? I mean really! What kind of operation is this!?

Howard saying Trump is on coke is like the pot calling the kettle black. And by black, I mean Negros of color. I mean, Persons of Negros. Which I have totally employed... which is totally like housing discrimination. Which totally happened. But, you know, lawyers like Barack! And we totally just settled on that

^^^ This. Most police models are designed to idle for hours without overheating precisely because they do this regularly.

I would pay careful attention to the part about NOT looping the rope around your hand or fingers before trying this out for myself.