
Gawd, I can’t WAIT until there are flying cars everywhere. Judging by how people operate terrestrial vehicles, I fully expect to see hundreds of these kinds of events happening every day!

Section of track was missing due to the chip shortage.  And Obama.  Thanks Obama!

That’s what makes a sleeper a sleeper. Unassumingly quick. 0-60 in 6.5 seconds. Not gonna put on a show at the drag strip. But might take some clown by surprise at a red light.

And she hauls ass everywhere she goes, wondering why the loose gallon of milk squashed the loaf of bread AGAIN while on the way home from the grocery store.

“Same engine, same turbo, different software”, all bullshit.

The 2nd Gen Chevy Equinox/1st Gen GMC Terrain with AWD and 301hp 3.6L V6 is a surprisingly quick package wrapped in a middle-aged female realtor clothes.

The difference is that the manufacturer’s involvement with the detuning AND the ability to ‘open it up’. Just about any vehicle can be souped up (if even slightly) with some aftermarket mods.  But to charge you more just to flip a couple of software switches is borderline fraud in my opinion.

Detuned from the factory, then charge you more money to turn on the thing that is already there. I hate this trend. But people will continue to buy into it, creating a demand, and increasing profit for the automakers.

I went through CCTT at Fort Knox training as a crew in the M1A2.  It was very high fidelity and taught you how to work as a team.  Rounds expended and fuel used are free, too!

The wing on the R/C F40 I had in the 80's worked great as a carrying handle. Then was later used to mount the Cox .049 cu in gas engine with a propeller on it after plastic gearbox stripped out. Uncontrolled forward motion FTW!  And you could only turn one direction at high speed as the higher center of gravity and

That weirdo who fixes old Jeeps left Jalopnik some time ago to start his own car blog with another fells. Being vague so comment doesn't get deleted. Here is their closing post:

So this is totally irrational, but bear with me. I rarely watch these videos. I find something off-putting about the superimposed images Andy and Steve making weird faces with bad lighting on the title images. I’m not sure why it bothers me. Am I alone here? Psychology is weird.

I totally forgot about the WiLL until today.  IIRC I saw a few of those on Okinawa.  Such an odd little vehicle.

I’m not a watcher of F1 racing. Why is everybody going so fucking fast in poor visibility during a red flag? I learned that shit from Tootle when I was a small child.

The behind the scenes insurance fuckery should be completely invisible to the person needing emergency care at the time they are receiving care.  The system sucks.

This really makes me miss the cacophony of evil and violence that would emanate from my 440 powered 1969 Chrysler when I would stomp on the skinny pedal.  It would set off car alarms while idling slowly through the student parking lot in college.

Why can't it make tinny canned sounds like the electric Charger?

Yet another ‘feature’ that nobody has ever asked for, but came to someone in a fever dream and somebody green-lighted the idea. 

Yeah, seems like something that would wear out if there’s continuous slippage going on.