
Phooey, I can gain that much by just installing a Tornado Fuel Saver, a Fuel Shark, and a bottle of engine-fix-in-a-can.

Yes, that looks like a red truck frame to me on the right side of the video at the end.

Let’s fill it with garbage and put it out to sea! Problem solved!

Looks kinda hard to wash and detail.

As a Gen-X’er, I’m right there with you.

Gotta wonder if this it to appeal to the remaining baby-boomers with hoards of cash (and a handful of Gen-X’ers) that are actually familiar with the logo and for which it imparts some kind of reminiscence.


1999 Lincoln Town Car. Supercharged 4.6 V8. Not a body transplant but a fabricated suspension made partially from Ford prerunner parts..

Column shifter and vinyl floor check out. Here’s the 2011 Ford Police brochure if you want to compare specs:

I once sat in the parking lot of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for 30 minutes as my friend’s dad frantically tried to shift the borrowed Chevy Astro out of park, not realizing that it had a brake interlock.

Range anxiety. Many farmers have to drive their tractor some distance to whichever field/farm they are working that day, then drive it back. I would be very nervous working in the field all day, knowing that I had to drive 5 miles back to the farm when I was done.

Maybe we could keep the armored truck and lose Alex Jones instead.

Don’t know if it is the worst, but I recall the Ford EXP being a pretty lousy vehicle:

I have made a shit-load of accessories for my travel trailer ranging from little clips and brackets, to remote control holders, a new door prop, solar charge controller mount bracket, etc. I have also repaired many of my kids’ toys (Nerf gun repairs FTW!), made light fixtures, etc.

Vehicle stuck in your own driveway + other vehicles that you can drive..  did you not have a vehicle that you could pull the Suburban out with?

Pay ‘N’ Spray, to be exact:

EDIT: OMFG the image issue on here is getting super out of control

I am guessing their sedans didn’t sell well because they haven’t been particularly interesting for quite some time now.

One question: Will the ability to recharge at any level be a subscription-based feature?