
I thought they just put a 12ga shell loaded with buckshot in there so you are less likely to survive the accident that would otherwise leave you a maimed cripple.

The 1994 Dodge Ram front end was a complete departure from what other manufacturers were doing with pickup trucks up until that point. While it is pretty ‘meh’ nowadays, it set a trend that almost all other manufacturers started designing toward in the years after and still carries on today, 27 years later.

My 2018 Dodge Durango has this feature (auto headlights, headlights on with wipers, and rain sensing wipers). It is a pretty convenient package.

The first time I drove the entire length of Wisconsin with no map and relying on handwritten directions (before smartphones), I got off Highway 69 onto County Road PB, only to hit Highway 69 again 5 miles later. I thought I’d been dropped into some kind of cosmic vortex.

I used to live on the north side of W. South Street.

But where else can you demonstrate for the kids that two pieces of matter cannot occupy the same space simultaneously unless their atoms line up juuuusssst right?

The ‘Yooper Loop’ in Houghton, MI is so convoluted that there are t-shirts and stickers designed around it.

These were really good vehicles.

I wonder if the briefcase was secure enough for it to double as a passenger ‘oh shit’ handle.

But we all know the FC is not driving back under its own power. Right? Right?!

Unless those studs were super rusty and in terrible shape, tt sounds like that ‘mechanic’ didn’t know what he was doing. If you can’t get the rim to center on the hub, you don’t just crank up the impact wrench and give ‘er hell. You figure out what is wrong. The fact that he didn’t stop after the first one broke and

In 1999, my buddy and I were going to drive straight-through from Grand Rapids, MI to Glacier National Park in western Montana to do 2 weeks of hiking and backpacking. Neither of us had a reliable car (he was 19 and I was 20), so we borrowed his mom’s 1992 Jeep Wrangler Renegade. We finished packing the Jeep at about

A few years ago my wife got into a head-on wreck in her car on the two lane road, that I also take to work ,when an oncoming driver crossed the centerline. I told her in the ambulance that I was done riding the motorcycle I had bought 6 months earlier and sold it soon after. I have no regrets.

Reduces glare eh? Well at least for those of you who don’t have compound eyes!

I REALLY REALLY REALLY don’t give a shit what Tiger Woods had for breakfast, who he is dating, who he is fucking, or why he crashed his car.  Why is any of this news?

Good real smoked beef jerky (none of that bagged crap from the grocery store), sourdough pretzel nuggets, and a few apples. Can keep you going all day.

MAXTRAX. If these guys can do it, I’m certain we can too.

I say drive some pilings around it in a giant circle, run some bigass pumps, and float that bitch out. You only need to raise the water level a foot or so to get it moving again.

...and square headed pipe plugs... and square headed set screws (garage door spring, anybody?) 

I use them all the time on taps as well as square headed fasteners & pipe plugs on my antique tractors.