
Remind me to beat the guy who put these all over the maps in ‘Spin Tires’ with similar results.

Let me know when it can withstand a kick like BigDog:

Now playing

I’m pretty sure this is how my first experience in an autonomous car would go:

The Aristocrats! Ha! Wonder how many will get that one....

Sprucebaru Logacy Oakbark

Rumor has it he got his phone number changed to 867-5309.

Now playing

This is much better with this as a soundtrack:

Don’t forget the cross-drilled brake lines:

Notice how the kid keeps the door on the cop side closed up good and tight so that he doesn’t notice the smoldering roach in console.

I suppose I’m just getting older, but anytime I see a headline stating, “Can X take down Y?” I always assume that X won and don’t read the rest of the article or watch the video. In this case, I did watch the video for a minute, but then skipped to the end to confirm my preconceived notion.

Because they were living their life deep underwater at thousands of psi of pressure. Hauling them up made them explode.

Self-repairing leather seats.

In a few months we’ll start seeing the knock-offs showing up on ebay and with brand names like Samsong and SQNY

I think even cheap Winterforce tires would have helped out the AWD Charger significantly. But there is a point where it is too deep and/or heavy. I had an ‘04 Civic with Winterforce tires and always enjoyed going around stuck SUVs with ‘All Season’ tires when my neighborhood didn’t get plowed out for a few days.

It’s all about tires. Trying to walk up a snowy hill in two winter boots will always be more successful than wearing four cowboy boots.

The whole thing reminds me of Adam Sandler’s “Dude, Buddy, Homie” which I will NOT link to here because we’ve all been caused enough aural damage for one day.

I’m thinking I have this figured out. Bro #1 (behind the wheel) either has a really good job or rich parents or something and bought a sweet car and fitted it with Blizzaks so he can drive it year-round. Bro #2 (behind the camera) is way too excited by all of this (“...the brakes are cooling off the snow!” -close up

The audio here makes my brain hurt. Is this the first time this guy has seen a rear wheel drive car play in the snow?

Gonna take a long time to plow that lot using that method.

So, it’s basically ‘The Running Man’?