
That a presumable adult would refer to this game derisively as a “shallow tween game” and expect to be respected or taken seriously by anyone is just a much a mystery to me.

I was literally thinking that little vignette was the one bright spot in all the bullshit that happened in this article. That Harriot was being described as “jeering at whites”(who you know and I know were doing some racist shit despite the publication’s need to ignore that fact) somehow struck a chord with me in a

I have family in Tampa and I can confirm it is a wretched place to live and visit. It is perpetually 150 degress and humid 10 months of the year and has all the worst parts of every other major city in the country with none of the good parts, like culture, unique local cuisine, or interesting people. It is at least 2

“The left calls these people out of touch and completely ineffective leaders of an opposition party, while the right calls them (((Globalist))) cucks who are doing Pizzagate, both of these are the same.

And I don’t think there’s anyone who would believe that if he dies in jail, it’s anything but murder. “Suicide” is convenient for a lot of powerful people involved.

Solo was part of the group of five USWNT players who first sued U.S. Soccer 

Rispoli and Varisco is my least favourite USA Network crime procedural.

“Gravity is a harness,” Sigma says in the trailer. “I have harnessed the harness.”

OK, I’m laying $10 on some white lady reinventing the washcloth in the next 60 days.

That was one of the funnier Kingdom Hearts comics that Awkward Zombie has done.

What do I gotta do* to earn the Title “Actual Nazi Repellant”, because that sounds like the shit.

Nah. Instagram should be renamed Sahara Desert because everyone in it is thirsty as fuck.

We ran Sue’s Salads out of town years ago. Ponch Burger took over her usual spot.

Look, nobody else was available! They asked around. Everyone else was too busy being free to do the slavery.

Which of the above list prompted you to write this Laura?

Cube was always my favorite.

In this week of appliance reviews. A Fridge that keeps stuff cool. A stove that heats things up. A washer that gets clothes clean. A Toyota that is neither great or bad.

There are hypocrites...and then there are Evangelicals. Fuck these people.