
A local municipal judge in my area implemented an optional text messaging service for folks with court dates. A few days before your hearing, you get a reminder text message that your appearance is required.

I’ll support Drew and the other writers still here, as long as they #sticktosports. If they get kicked, I’ll follow them wherever they go. If they get Barstool Brain Implants instead, then I’ll move on. It’s about the people - wherever they may end, don’t count on liking their new corporate overlords just for hiring

This is a great Michigan brewed alternative too.

So I guess we’ve forgotten that, looking at this song in historical context (i.e. actually looking at what phrases meant then instead if assigning our meaning to them), it’s not at all rapey? Oh well.

I have it on good authority that they made all the Candy Corn somewhere back in the 1960's.

Agreed facts: she had a relationship with a woman who was working on her campaign while married to her husband.

It’s amazing that he keeps getting reelected. There’s really no excuse to vote against your interests that badly.

Hey, America decided to go all-in on capitalism. Part of capitalism is that more money = higher quality purchases. A Lexus costs more than a Chrysler for a good reason.

I wonder how long it will take before some local newspaper digs through the guy’s social media history to rake him over the coals for something stupid he said when he was a literal child like the last time someone got internet-famous asking for beer. 

I hope they end up giving her more time. 

Bonus points for playing the “committed father “card too!  ‘Cause that’s relevant somehow?

“I am a progressive and charitable member of the community” - Harvey Weinstein Jeffrey Epstein Brandon Taubman

This is more embarrassing than my unintentional smear campaign against Sports Illustrated when Kathy Ireland was on the cover.

Oh, uh... Ya know that guy in whose camper they... I... I mean, that guy off in whose camper they were whacking?

He's actually standing in this picture. 

Two things:

“I pull out the lipstick and mascara because, sad to say, attractiveness is still a much bigger factor in getting better tips than service, especially if you’ve got boobs”

Um, #NotAllBats are vampire bats. It’s 2019. We should be beyond such slander. Wait, this is print so.. libel.

Oh no!!! Not the casuals!!!!!