
So “making a mayo sandwich” is the hip kid slang for Dad-on-Stepdad frottage?

Never had this experience either. Could I resist replying with a “you’re mother”? Difficult to say.

A modern version of Skies of Arcadia would blow my mind. They could charge 300 dollars for it and I’d still buy it.

Skies of Arcadia. Seeing the locales and ship battles and special attack cutscenes in fully-realize modern graphics would make me so happy.

It’s so they know to give you the good stuff. That’s how they get you hooked. Everyone knows regulars get the stuff that’s been cut with Drano.

“The U.S. government doesn’t tell any citizen, in my book, what they have to do with their body or their child,” Williamson said.

Churchgoing slave owners contributed money made off slave labor while churches looked the other way.

Every experience I’ve had in the American south is worse than the time I spent in an actual combat zone.

Once I left Kentucky, I decided I was never moving that far (or any further) south ever again.

I love my home state—I do—but it’s the kind of enduring love you have for a relative that you really don’t want to talk to except on holidays. The further south I get, the worse that sense of disconnect becomes, and so I’ve

Happy customers (usually) tip better. Servers are usually knowledgeable or can give you details on a dish that might swing your choice.  It's your money, time, and calories--you should always feel free to ask (1 or 2) questions.

I asked ‘em nicely! I said pretty please! They wouldn’t convert, so I’ll bang on their knees!- Torquemada

I’m just impressed he found a term other than “inquisition”.

Harvard’s auto-da-fe sets up an insane, cruel standard no one can possibly meet

I starred it too, and I’m taking your comment as an excuse to post the New Yorker’s Bayeux-style D-Day cover, created by Rea S. Irvin.


There is a basic rule that you do not ask anyone any question you do not actually want the answer to.

Yeah, I feel she kinda brought this one on herself. The seagull is the winged form of karmic justice in this instance.

Everyone likes boobs, idiot