Nickels, you say?
Nickels, you say?
The obvious solution is to tip only in small change.
Nickels are a good choice: 1) the coins are sufficiently hefty to make more noise you drop them into the jar; 2) they are of sufficiently low value that you can maximize the amount of time dropping them slowly into the jar to ensure that the barista will see you,…
I had Albuquerque. Should have taken a left turn there.
So a 3/5 compromise, got it
If you are fortunate enough to live in a city with an Alamo cinema drafthouse, I cannot recommend their morning matinees enough. Their breakfast menus are fantastic
People just concede to not waste time if the game is already lost from their perspective. Plain and simple. It also happens in real life you know.
And from Canada, we gave you yoga pants. You’re very welcome.
Sure, but then it would be more expensive and they would be competing in an entirely different space. Hershey, Mars, Nestle, etc. for the most part realize that chocolate and chocolate bars are two entirely different categories of food. A person looking for a high quality, cocoa rich chocolate is not going to be…
Thank you for your service.
Wait, by this logic Obama still owes us 8 more years. Anybody have his cell number?
fuck the police
“presumable” because I haven’t watched a minute of MLS this season so I’ve not had the chance to subject his performances to my own visual examination
They’re willing to ban support of Palestine but allow neo nazis to go on about their business. America has some serious problems.
476. Start slap fest with NFL about taking a knee
473. Nuke Cincinnati
474. Pardon Tony Bennett
475. Make Airline food Great Again!
This impacts his relationships including a broken engagement from a woman he had only been seeing for a relatively short period of time before proposing.
Greetings fellow kids fit people! I too am ‘all about the fitness’.