
Isn’t a “pivot to bodybuilding” how everyone justifies prison to themselves?


“Henry Sintay, along with that White lady who called the cops on the Black cookout, should not be welcome anywhere in the Bay area.”

I’m impressed by the $100,000 bail  

oh f*ck off, this story can easily be seen as true, despite no proof, no witnesses, no evidence, and it being 16 YEARS AGO yet you believe this poor woman has suffered after *scoff* Jamie Foxx slapped her with his dick?!?!?! Is this even real life????!!!!! OMG come on, please use your brain and realize that yes, some

My thought exactly. He’s clinging to the margins like a motherfucker.

This is a weird fucking story.

Christians are, by definition, AD not BC.

To be fair, most people who want lower taxes have absolutely no idea how anything at all works beyond their ability to complain about lower taxes. If you showed them a state, township, or even federal government spending chart their eyes would immediately glaze over and they’d be thinking about season 48 of America’s

Yeah, but like, just the Idris Elba shows.

Married his cousin, was schtupping his press secretary while married to his second wife - after telling the press he was returning to Gracie Mansion that Fathers Day to play ball with his son while he was literally fucking this woman in the basement of city hall - then divorced said second wife on television because

my man married his (second) cousin so I’m guessing it rhymes with “spin fest”

Yeah, he’s in the same category for me as Bill Murray - the “Celebs That People Love But Are Actual Dickweeds In Real Life And I Can’t Understand Why Folks Like Them” category. Or, to make things easier, CTPLBAADIRLAICUWFLT.

What the fuck is this? First of all, after the absolute destruction Monique Judge put to Hamilton over that bullshit article, one which he apparently hasn’t recovered from, I’d avoid even inching down the road that Obama’s not performing up to your silly expectations. Do you want to go two and a half weeks without an

Longtime Philly fan, living in DC for the past 15 years. Caps are the only team that I actually dont hate in this city and I am excited to see win. Enjoy this feeling, read all the articles for the next week and then get back to fucking yourself.

This entire situation speaks to the most infuriating part of Hearthstone for me, someone who sinks hundreds of hours into it every month.

“Deadspin has reached out to Mike Litoris for additional comment but he couldn’t be found.”