Who could have anticipated something terrible and ignorant coming from a CrossFitter?
Who could have anticipated something terrible and ignorant coming from a CrossFitter?
I was informed that “The Root” was ‘black brietbart’ you imply some asshat lied to me?!
but. . . but. . . but. . . I was told that we were safe from emails. . . . Something doesn’t add up here. . .
It actually doesn’t impact that at all when you realize that the Browns spend most of the game with their heads shoved up their own asses.
I forget where I recently heard this - but apparently helmet stripes also have a utilitarian purpose. It allows coaches reviewing film (I’m assuming from an all 22 type angle) to see which way a player is facing - as the stripe stops at the face mask.
Railroad Tycoon: Mussolini!
See, I needed a new heel for my shoe. Which meant I had to take the ferry to Shelbyville. Now in those days the ferry cost a nickel and nickels had pictures of bees on them. Give me five bees for a quarter you’d say.
So are Trump’s hands as small as they say?
Let me play the devil’s advocate here.
It is a shame that one bad decision has ruined this promising judge’s career.
Media is a dead medium.
*gestures broadly at everything*
Batmans is the plural of Batman
My vote is Batman. Old and fat Affleck batman could use the killmonger treatment.
I mean, people are likely more comfortable saying they support Dems and Democratic Party agendas. It is probably tough to just tell a stranger you’re a piece of trash.
Investors: “Elon, where is the model 3?”
I looked at the polls in 2016.
And last fall, he bucked his fellow House Democratic leaders by signing onto Representative John Conyers’ Medicare for All bill.