
I don’t know...seems a little....far fetched.

So, what are *you* doing to change? 

Exactly this. Beyond just a car, they’re selling a service. That service is convenience. And there are a lot of people willing to pay for convenience.

4th Gear:

White entitlement for you. This is why they have kids, to get free burgers. Coupon Queens I call them.

They weren’t booing! They were just saying “Fuck Yooooooouuuuu!”

The people who are usually the angriest about sellouts are the ones who’ve given up hope that they’ll ever have a chance to sell out.

Props for the reference!

Zimmerman’s a bitch, he’s a fat broke bitch
He’s the biggest bitch in the whole wide world
He’s a stupid broke bitch, if there ever was a bitch
He’s a bitch to all the boys and girls

Oh how soon you forget how women fighters in Battlefield 1 ruined the game’s realism.

Obama 2016: “There’s too much at stake to stay home or protest vote.”

I am glad they are going all in and not settling for some 3/5 BS compromise.

Should have been New New York City.

Let’s see here... in chronological order, we have:

Kudos to whoever edited out the other 8000 plus words.

I haven’t seen such a labored yet appropriate use of Japanese history to make a comparison since the Yankees pitching career of Hideki Irabu was compared to the tumultuous Sengoku period in the aftermath of the Onin War.

I haven’t seen the Japanese cut off at the knees so belatedly since the Bank of Japan overreacted by raising inter-bank lending rates as a result of the speculative asset price bubble, which of course lead to the dreaded Lost Decade (Later revised to the Lost Score, as the condition persisted into the initial decade

Those are synonyms, yes.

How the fuck does someone graduate Summa Cum Laude when they are homeschooled? What does that even mean?

At least he got a manicure since then!