What are you, always a prick? Fuck off ego man.
What are you, always a prick? Fuck off ego man.
Apparently YOU are stupid.
Please make an attempt not to be a fucking asshole.
This. 100% this.
Dude in Giz vid is so eye stoned out looking, hahahaha
Oh for christ sakes stop whining.
Oh shut up you ass.
Pipe the fuck down asshole.
New Jacket Elimiates Wallet Pain.
Good god, this is ridiculous.
So is yer mom!
Hahahhaaa yessir I agree sir!
Love the phone design, but no to antenna-gate
CLICKBAIT ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hoffmans. There is no better. Assimilate.
Canned peas belong in the trash.
“Hey guys want to come buy my half-used, useless crap?”
Creepy AF.
Survey says!
Your wife is clearly a cunt.