She's Big North Of The Border

Also, Jeff Sessions

1) Stephen Miller is doing this, via the DOJ and DHS.

This has to be the most inane comment...

No, honey, I didn’t. But keep being smug when given substantive examples of why HRC lost, it will really help next election.

Sooo.. aren’t we supposed to discount this bc “her emails” were irrelevant?

I’m a Navy veteran. I respect Villanueva’s decision like I respect everyone’s decision to kneel but fuck I know now people are gonna look at what Villanueva did and say “See this/what the troops/vets think of this!” And paint us with a broad brush.

No need to personally attack someone who didn’t catch the gist of your vague statement.

It’s okay. I’d rather have terrible jokes than a terrible President.

Someone needs to tell Villanueva that he’s part of a TEAM and shouldn’t make this about himself.

Personally, I showed my allegiance by scratching my ass and shot-gunning a PBR pounder. Solidarity!

Not only that, but if you are giving out “allergen” candy anyway, you are still transferring those food allergens onto the non food items. Especially with the nut allergens, so this scheme (well meaning as it is) could actively make things worse. Image a kid with a nut allergy being given a whistle (one of the

I remember a period from 1861-1865 when no one in Alabama respected the US flag

I never did it but, the houses that gave stuff like that when i was a kid were the ones that often got T.P’d, Egg’d, Had their pumpkins smashed, or got paste bombed (Balloons filled with water/water [with cheap balloons the color leeches into the paste and can stain]).

Uh... that’s 100% what he’s saying. He doesn’t like what it’s become, and he’s leaving. Good job somehow managing to restate what he said and come off as an asshole at the same time.

Buh-bye, snowflake.*

Do the kids come around with a teal pumpkin as well? How do I know which kid is allergic, and which one’s not? Passing out non-candy to everyone’s a sure fire way of getting egged later in the night.

or a literal Gatorade bottle, emptied of fruity-punch sugar goodness and tossed when it gets too gross

No offense, but parents today are the fucking worst.

No, it turns out that my time in Bottle Hell was only beginning, because now my family is firmly within the clutches of Big Sports Bottle, and I cannot escape.

Water bottles have a closed top so they would be here in damn heartbeat, what we need to do to keep the planet safe is DRINK FROM GLASSES AGAIN! swing away.