
Right Stuff jet jockies.

Agreed. I have some that used to be indoor/outdoor but over the years between bringing dead animals to the house and cats disappearing so you don’t know if they ran off, got hit by a car, etc. they’re indoor only now. They’re not happy but it’s for the best.

Sure. “Accidentally.” Also...

What a damn shame.  Where’s my tiny violin?

Syphilis-infected dick, one would hope.

so fulfilling to see the Sandy Hook families’ with their boot on Alex Jones’ neck.

“The Connecticut Plaintiffs have never wanted money from Jones but to silence him.”


The Connecticut Plaintiffs have never wanted money from Jones but to silence him.”

Living in a homeless encampment would still be too good Alex Jones to reside in. 

I don’t wish ill of people often, but I hope he spends his afterlife reliving the last moments of each child for all of eternity.

Also I don’t get the point. If it’s an outdoor cat you might get some interesting footage or it could get snagged on something and the cat could get strangled or the camera just falls off. If its an indoor cat congratulations you get to watch a couple hours of playtime at night and 20 hours of your cat sleeping.

Anyone that spends $400 for a camera their pet gets to wear around its neck should rethink their priorities in life.

Like everything this cretin does it’s completely self serving. He’s sad people have realized he’s a racist xenophobic misogynist tool because we can track what he likes (and retweets/shares). 

on one hand its so funny when those dipshits get called out for their likes, but on the other hand almost every other site has private likes. so im kind of torn, and dont really care. 

Thanks.  You made me do a literal spit-take all over my screen.

There’s a really easy fix for this. Just get the Supreme Court to decide that the EPA has no power to do anything.

I get greed. I understand that people do shitty things for money. What I don’t understand is how someone can look at a mountain of evidence that says “Your company and your actions are killing people.”, and be ok with that.

Why settle for two small screens when you can get much larger screens for about the same cost?? Budget monitors are super cheap these days.