
And - of course - there are VPNs that even a 4th grader can set up...

I was one of the last still using - and loving - Netflix DVDs, for
(i) films & shows I could not find streaming (e.g., very early movies, foreign stuff),
(ii) watching a show like GoT and Breaking Bad a few years after release without a multitude of $$$$ subscriptions, and
(iii) watching when I was on a plane for work or

I used to dry suit dive a LOT in Puget Sound when I lived up that way, so many stories of giant Pacific octopus... and they are BIG, but not aggressive...
Related to this story though: the mothers used to den themselves in by making a wall under a ledge, using small cobbles/boulders to make a ‘dry stone wall’ before

Excellent, naps are important, mentally and physically, part of the glory of WFH / hybrid and flexible but super efficient (IMHO) scheduling

Boeing and Tesla are like frat boys: “Here, hold my beer!”

I would shake the technician’s hand, but...

All cats should be indoors cats, ALL, for their safety and those of the birds and small mammals outside, they are such efficient little murderers
(and that is the correct word, they do it for sport)

All cats should be indoors cats, ALL, for their safety and those of the birds and small mammals outside, they are such efficient little murderers
(and that is the correct word, they do it for sport)

aside - after ALL this time, “X, formerly known as Twitter” is still a common and reasonable phrase in reporting and elsewhere
Your move Elon...

Cocks and balls, needs the balls - and the splooge, common knowledge!

It will be interesting to see the traditional claymation to CGI mix... especially with the reported plasticine issue!

they can be fined $50,000 and be banned from buying future Teslas.

and the ones - post-COVID - who think they are on their couch at home and want to add their own running commentary!

I think my childhood Tonka toy truck had better steering

His team of lawyers just wiped their butts with the pages of his legal bills...

Word salad notwithstanding, returning ‘perforce’ to:

“Prove it” to quote you... and you and I can’t of course... aka a ‘miracle’

If it is a matter of faith, as perforce it can’t be proven, or more specifically (maybe) does not need to be...

Your message is mixed...

Further, “cannot prove it either way” is the point of the provided link... and in the absence of faith this

Some electronic whizz will root it (sic) and get it working again, thanks internet, and FU Spotify...

My refrigerator app (which yes, is weird in itself) has a Sabbath setting...

Reading The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay was fascinating as well, with the cable companies making their cables in loops around an Ultra Orthodox neighbourhood so they could trick (sic) god, etc