
I’ve ridden this bike, and I can confirm that it’s amazing. A good friend of mine was testing, and giving DJI feedback, and I got to take it for a spin. They were still in the process of working out some design bugs, but I would have swapped my ebike in a heartbeat. For context, I have ebikes from both Rocky Mountain

“George Washington didn’t have access to pornography, therefore there is no historical right for porn to exist.” -Clarence Thomas, probably

It’ll stay around for a long time as a physical media, I just think it’s value in the rental market has all but depleted. People still value physical media that they OWN. Vinyl Records are at the highest sales since the 90s. I very specifically buy movies I want to OWN, movies that are meaningful to me, movies that

Our library is pretty on-point with new DVD releases, so losing access to that via physical media is going to be a huge blow. There’s something to be said about walking in and grabbing a couple new-ish films for free*. Hell, even if you forget to return them in time paying a $0.75 penalty is still cheaper than renting

Just watch. Streaming will continue climbing in price, and choices will become more fragmented through the various deals, mergers and studios simply placing content in ‘no longer viewable’ status. There’s a reason the generation that embraced streaming (under 30 crowd) and laughed at DVDs is buying up as much physical

I wonder how long they’ll keep on making them, once they stop being sold in retail outlets and basically become something you’d have to buy through a specialized online outlet or Amazon (assuming you’re not just buying them used). There’s still foreign markets for them.

The writing was on the wall when every drug store and supermarket in the area suddenly removed the kiosks last year without warning.

My dad was a lifelong sailor, and the first time he explained this to me, it just blew my mind. I felt like I’d been admitted to some secret society.

That is a truly magic combination of sketchiness - Floridians and Eastern Europeans

Feels like FedEx does a better job of handling expensive packages. Maybe they should get into the car shipping game. 

And that’s why you don’t let the customer change the address on a expensive delivery.

Same. Learning to sail (or in my case windsurf) almost directly up-wind felt like unlocking some kind of hidden magic.

This and sailing upwind was something that filled my idiotic child-self with such joy. And before you ask, yes, I am still an idiotic child.

I didn’t know that I didn’t know this, or that I needed to know this. So thank you 😂

Bluesky is worth using.

“It wasn’t to advertisers as a whole,” Musk said

If the advertisers’ spots are showing up next to platformed Nazis and other hate-filled content, then yes, those advertisers have the right to insist on censorship, or they will take their money elsewhere. Why is it so hard for Musk to grasp this?

I still use Twitter, but I probably block 20-30 accounts a day. To the point where i’m getting worried there is a limit on Block accounts. Its a toxic cesspool, but unfortunately still a good place to get breaking news/information if you follow the right accounts.

Petulant douchebag behaves in petulant douchebag manner, gets bluff called, scrambles to reinterpret clear meaning of petulant douchebag behavior to save face/bank account.

Their first mistake was buying the Cybertruck in the first place. The rest is causality in real time playing out which stems from their first mistake.