
Having no signal is actually a good reason to use airplane mode, because otherwise your phone will be using its transmitter at full power trying to find a signal. It’s effectively screaming “Is anyone there? Is anyone there?” and will drain your battery much faster. And if it does find a signal, it will be 6+ miles

Certainly correct in the USA. My wife and I are hopefully going to be flying to Alaska in August for a vacation, and I’m worried about a person losing their grip on reality during the flight than catching Covid.

Here's a guy who has never flown frontier. 

I’m in europe and they’re still telling us to turn on airplane mode. And I dutifully do it because I get an unreasonable worry someone’ll check. One time when I was a kid, a flight attended yelled at me for playing game boy and that weirdly stuck with me.

The real reason is this: airlines think people won’t stop yapping on their cell phones during flights, leading to more instances of “air rage.” That’s why regulators continue to ban phone calls and data usage on planes; it’s just plain annoying.

Didn’t watch the entire thing, but it feels like this has been coming for a LONG time. I don’t think this is the first time Billy has been confronted by a drunk chief and he had enough.

He’s the very model of a modern major general.

It's a Catch-22

Sergeant Major?  We’re not going to talk about that at all?

Pig does right thing

The rice thing. Another one of those pseudo science pieces of advice that took off. There’s no difference between the evaporating moisture going into the air, rice or whatever. Want to speed up evaporation? Keep the item in question warmer than its surroundings. You don’t have to do much else.

Rice and dessicants and whatever else can only absorb moisture *it’s in direct contact with*.

Fine rice particles are definitely a thing, but the latest iphones are IP68 rated. So how is this an issue? The first number in IP ratings is for dust protection. It is based on a scale of 0-6, where 6 means “no ingress of dust”.

Eh, I want to give some of these Musklickers a pass for this. Embracing truck damage is as old as trucks and the only other options are to not own one or be sad all the time. They didn’t invent this rationalization.

This looks good to you??

Others are in favor of their Cybertrucks developing orange stains, saying that they’re looking forward to the patina the stainless steel may develop.

Yeah this is pretty fucking hilarious. “Well there’s your problem, you got your hundred thousand dollar piece of transportation machinery SLIGHTLY DAMP. What did you expect?”

I’m not denigrating a damn fine fish with the name of that rat-bastard.

Truck owners usually like to brag about what their truck can DO, like drive through a two foot deep stream in the woods not having shield it from routine weather.

Some Cybertruck owners say their fellow Cybertruckers are blowing things out of proportion, and one said it’s a good idea to not “ it in the rain, or get it wet.