
I would like to point out that is available. Do with that information what you will. 

Well... it was an AM station.

Well, it’s a hell of a way to learn that nobody’s listening to your station. :-D

...the perpetrators could face up to 10 years in prison.

In Jasper it really probably is.

Somewhere in that area there’s a scrap metal yard that is known to not ask questions, I’d wager.

It’s all for drugs. Steal everything you can, take all of the metal (aluminum, steel, copper) to your friendly neighborhood corrupt scrap metal dealer, sell all of the electronics on the black market, and use the money for drugs.  This isn’t a Sherlock Holmes level mystery.

“I thought I was in England,” Brzuszkiewicz said.

Charlie don’t surf!

I am torn between Florida Man jokes and Polish jokes.

Personally, I’d just leave the folding top down, and just take off the hard top when it’s nice out, which for me is MOST of the year. Probably not a practical solution for everyone. 

Not true, our CLK550 convertible has a procedure to manually lower or raise the top.  Numerous steps, using a hex key to relieve hydraulic pressure so cylinders are free to move.  I think if you have to use the procedure you will have to get the air bled out of the hydraulics before using the power operation function

Any high-end Germanmobile with a bunch of years and miles on it boils down to the same thing: cheap to buy, expensive to own. The parts’ cost and installation expense will melt your credit card. But if the cachet of a Benz frisbee-sized badge on the grille floats your boat that much, go for it. Just not me--ND all the

Probably not, since it can’t be lowered manually on any other car I’m aware of with a power top. In the case of this one, I’d just leave the top down as it is and put the hardtop on/off depending on the weather. It’s so cheap that I wouldn’t even care. You could build some kind of wire/pulley rig in your garage to

This was my mother’s dream car, and her rich friend who barely drove it sold it to her for a song when he upgraded to a newer generation.


I work in digital advertising and yes, obviously this is a myth (or I’d be using it). It happens to me now and again as well - it’s just a coincidence. Sometimes it’s because whoever you were with has used your wifi to do a search or whatever.

That was my theory as well, and it would have been way funnier than Picard shooting Borg nanosperm.

my fun and horrible theory for Picard S3 was that Jack was either the child of the sex ghost or the sex ghost himself.

I get that but that’s like saying that we need to go back to the horse and buggy because we put the horse sh@T shovelers and farriers out of business.