
A town in New Hampshire did that (at least the libertarian part). Then the bears took over. Grafton, New Hampshire is one of my favorite FAFO stories. 

“I’m sorry officer, I was on my way to Assholeville in the republican of Dumbfuckistan and wasn’t aware that the concept of “laws” applied to me.”

I’d love to see them band together and attempt their own utopian paradise of libertarianism and anarchy. Let’s give ‘em Oklahoma, then put an enormous fence around it.

A guy drove one by the bar I was hanging out at the other day and someone shouted at him “You can’t park that thing here!” sarcastically.

Yep, definitely. If someone really thinks buying this thing, or a myriad of other high end or whacky cars, isn’t an attention seeking move they are either extremely naive at best or a flat-out liar and deluded at worst.  

I have yet to see one, but living in the Land of 10,000 Piles of Road Salt, I’m guessing people are having second, third, and even fourth thoughts about buying something that rusts if you leave it in the sun too long.

No matter what you think of the truck or anyone who buys them, yelling profanities at him, giving the guy the finger and spitting on/scratching his property makes you as bad if not worse of a person.

May be tough to prove if it can’t haul a bed full of marijuana leaves.

I just want to know if this car was filed as a business expense.

Saw one in the Costco parking lot yesterday. They look so much worse in person. 

Yeah, and tied with the oh-so-coincidental fact that he’s a business owner, color me suspicious.

Whether he wants to admit it or not, buying this monstrosity IS an attention seeking move.

So fitting that they warn you to not actually use it as a hammer.

Do they not want you to smack things with it because the hammer will break stuff? Or because smacking a hard surface will break the hammer?

Or people could actually take the extra 2 seconds and stop.

The mall by me installed parking meters, but they were self managed. They then hired parking enforcement to issue “tickets”.

More roundabouts. We need more roundabouts.

Cops are not a standard of driver I’d want to be compared to generally. They do whatever they want.

I have a friend who is ex-LAPD and he says this is how he addressed drivers who he had pulled over for a rolling stop. They would say, “Well I slowed down, what’s the difference?” and he would reply, “See this night stick? If I start hitting you on the head with it, would you rather I stop or slowed down?” and then he


I guess the idea of a Model 3 being a potential LeMons candidate is getting closer by the day.