
Please remember to tip and give your trafficker a 5 star rating if you were pleased with your experience.

He says he’s a doctor but I don’t see any markings, white coat or stethoscope so I think it’s only fair for someone to pull a gun on him, force him to the ground, make him show his medical board credentials and his med school degree for good measure because everyone knows what’s going on in the US with people

Apparently he took the Hypocritic Oath, not the Hippocratic Oath.

Pull his medical license.  

“And everybody knows what’s going on in this country with fentanyl and child trafficking and rape. Terrible stuff.””

Ah yes, those child traffickers who famously return children to their homes safely.

When you discover the limit of your white privilege...

Yup nothing makes a white guy angry like them being treated like they treat a non white guy. It is instructive.

‘Close the borders!’

White boys mad they are being treated the way they demand not white people be treated and are somehow mad. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Every time I read a story like this, it feels malicious. Like some one deliberately added the charge out of boredom or something. 

I honestly can’t tell if this is satire. 

348s have just a few too many little niggly things about them. Aesthetically, and mechanically.

This is Miami I think you can pay for these in Kilo’s if you can’t find it.

My man, I’ve got some bad news for you. Elon’s flying water tower will never make it to Mars.

I’ve never watched hi channel, but just from reading articles about him I can tell he’s a knob.

Also just now realizing I should have gone with “relied on the pullout method,” so please imagine I said that when you read the post. 

Are we all that surprised that the first Cybertruck owner on Nantucket used the pullout method?”

There once was a man from Nantucket

You know, Japan has its problems and some of them are pretty, eh, bad. But there’s something that Japan does right, and that’s service, generally anywhere and everywhere, including an airport. At the US airport, you are treated like a fucking garbage. As soon as you land in Japan, you realize that, no, you aren’t a

If there was profit to be had in not losing bags, Capitalism would’ve solved that problem ages ago.

5k is new 2k