This is the trolley conundrum.
This is the trolley conundrum.
Yeah, how could an All Terrain Vehicle circumvent obstacles placed on a path?
A freaking sign ought to be enough to keep ATV’s out, but people are just assholes. If we start putting up bollards and fences and moats around everything we want to keep the stupid people out of, we’d run out of money and manpower in short order.
I’m also very disappointed not to see any picture, animated or not, of an ATV driving through an ashiyu.
That sound you hear is all remaining Fisker Ocean owners running out to ding their car doors.
Fisker trying to offload their inventory at essentially any price kneecapped them. Why would anyone want a brand that you are essentially beholden to sell cars at an absurd loss in perpetuity? There is almost zero value in Fisker at this moment, actually there is negative value with debt and the shit show that has…
I just checked Fisker Canada, and they’re offering $31K discount (off an $80K MSRP) on new in stock 2023 Oceans, available for delivery in 4 days! Almost 40% discount!
Sad to say, but the owner probably got the best possible outcome there —- insurance pays her to replace a vehicle that has terrifying depreciation. It’s the only way she’d ever get close to her money back.
yes and the squat is vastly worse. The article is not about banning all lifts.
Properly lifted vehicles still have the driver’s eyes in line with the horizon and looking ahead on the road. Yes higher but still horizontal. This stupid crap has the driver looking at the sky not the road and who know how bad it messes up driving dynamics like steering and braking. My 2 in lifted wrangler actually…
The pyrite of barbecue sauces
Honestly if it’s both squatted and rolling coal, they should keep the driver in it when they crush the truck. That person has such disregard for the well-being of everyone around them that they are a burden to society and have done enough damage as it is.
Just imagine the terribleness of a truck that is Squated, Stanced, and Smoked.
Crush the trucks on sight, same with coal rollers.
Just start dropping the trucks into an industrial shredder. Nothing of value will be lost.
So he axes the very team that gives his company its currently biggest advantage? Boy I wish they had a PR dept to explain this one, because in the world of head-scratchers, this is the biggest.
Every time I read of Elon wanting “hard core” people at his companies, I get the feeling it’s code talk for “I want groveling slaves putting in 25 hours a day/8 days a week” for me. Anyone who goes to work at an Elon company must be a masochist.