
will include an Avatar area inspired by James Cameron’s World of Pandora

Some very good ones, thank you

I was lucky enough to see a frog fish - amongst many other things - diving in the Galapagos, an excellent memory - and similar to the sea toad in the first image, makes sense that they are in the same Family

So who saw that coming?

he loses his head literally

He wants the dead name to go to a dead space...  ~wink~

The Texas man [Rendon Dietzmann] accused of driving over 160 miles per hour from Colorado Springs to Denver...

I am fortunate, urban area, CenturyLink fibre, $65/month, no fees or taxes, gone down 3 times in the last 4 years, 2 were cars hitting poles, and back up *within* 1½ hours each time... 1 Gb up and down...
(after coming from a mountain-ish, remoter area and having Comcast (or Xfinity, when they tried to rebrand away

I am honestly surprised that he hasn’t sent the actual URL to a 404

The Texas bro that rode stupid, STUPID speeds (150 mph+) in Colorado and monetised got extradited back to Colorado - excellent!

He looks like a 1930s British Giglio 

Excuse me Elon, I think your apartheid-era, South African roots are showing through...

I remember the one the few years ago, live in Colorado, mates went up to Wyoming to see, supposed to be amazing... WY population ‘doubled’, and traffic was LA levels they said...

I have a Dell 1320 Colour Laser from the late 00s, surplus at a job, brand new, $200, keeps chugging, don’t print often, got a full set of four (4) toners for $24.95; sometimes just stick with what you have...

(b) If anybody is dumb enough to try, then I implore them to stare into the sun all day, every day.

don’t dead name, per the anti-woke guy, unless it suits him to be so

“Quin etiam leges latronum esse dicuntur, quibus pareant, quas observant.”

The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson describes just this, especially prominent in the business and entertainment fields...

Palmsy being a British slang term for male human self pleasure...

Edmucation or lack therefore