
The bridge was not enough ‘evidence’? How about a solar eclipse?

All Blue Robot Lives Matter  /s

Lets hope crypto bros learn something from this... /s

Does she have a 10th grader that is “good with a computer”?

Thanks for the review...

Thanks NOT for the three (3) ½ minutes ads for a 2¼ minute review...

I saw this movie at the Telluride Horror Fest in 2023, it is VERY good...

Can you do a jump from the balloon at the top, like the Red Bull guy?

We’re looking at you, Stanley.

Oh the ‘irony’ for antivaxxers...
(i) he gets 200+ COVID vaccine shots with no ill effects so (ii) they can avoid one because of the puerile *belief* that it will ‘hurt’ them... and (iii) community public health efforts suffer...

Brillant, thank you, most of the crypto grift nonsense and rip-offs catalogued in one place...

How else am I gonna get down the market in Peckham without my Reliant?

My vertical mouse has been a game changer, especially after I blew out my dominant hand’s shoulder on the dirt bike... getting old sucks, etc...
It takes a minute to get used to but SO worth the investment, the non-rotation of the shoulder all day long is brilliant...

Cool, your phone will be out of battery when we all land and then get to the gate - and we won’t have to hear your pointless conversation that could have waited...

Now we will have that annoying c*nt from the coffee shop inflicting similarly pointless conversations or video audio with no headphones on people in aeroplanes...

Tooth Repair Kit?
The jokes write themselves...

Nintendo Gary Bowser Turned Gary Bowser Into a Real-Life Villain

Attempted obfuscation noted - and dismissed! #blessyourheart #climatechangedenier

Phoenix doesn’t have enough water now, they are scavenging and making do... Colorado R. allocations WILL drop, the mining of groundwater can’t go on forever, etc...

Can it pop out a few old Landcruisers - say 25 - before it moves?

Classic petulant, immature “I’m going to take my ball and go home!” - and attempted stock price manipulation... of course....