
Thank god, I can count on two hands (just) the amount of times I have used self checkout (no hyperbole)

I can tell, using this site from Google itself - and the popup comes on every page refresh:

I need to get my carryon (sic) from the overhead!”

If there were mainly Western - esp. US - passengers they would not follow directions to leave their things behind - but would try and get their mammoth-size “carry ons” from the overheads and in doing so block the aisles and many, many people would have died...

Summer camp memories, the chart above the can, showing pee colours and asking if you were drinking enough water  


BUT could he drive!!

I always wondered why you just wouldn’t let them leave.”

Back when NASCAR - and motor sports in general, looking at you F1 - was still drivers driving... and (i) making mistakes and (ii) showing incredible skills on occasion...
Someone like, say, Peter Brock, the Australia larrikin, would never be on a circuit these days...

Had a look in the grays - which I generally avoid <shiver>, although I there myself of course - and there are surprising few Mush fan boys there... even they can’t generate a(n) (in)coherent spin on this?

Got to give him chops for Space X, as John Oliver did, he took huge risks and they paid off... similar but lesser with Tesla...
Technical choices? Not really...

The two I heard / read:

I have a lot of motorcycles...
I have a ‘03 Forestor that I haver spent ~$1,500 in the last 10 years on tyres and maintenance - and it was a free car due to an insurance payout in ‘13 due to hail damage... and it just keeps going & going, including cresting deep-ish snow on the dirty road I live on in Colorado... 200k+

oh, brodozers....

US domestic air travel... treat it like a metro bus with wings, bring you own food, beverage and entertainment... don’t have any expectations about a comfortable travel experience (but be happy when it is)... be nice to those along for the ride with you, if you do interact... show grace!
Do these things and you will

Frontier = the Ryan Air of the US domestic market

This is why I miss Netflix DVDs, I got to watch all the shows like The Wire, The Sopranos, GOT, etc - and many obscure movies like the full director’s cut of Das Boot - without having $100++/month outlaid for streaming - especially when I was travelling for work (geologist...)

Prostitution seems like a more established and effective (and maybe safer?) approach at this ongoing cost...

But how many bread boxes?

Got to say, I am glad that I bought my Pixel directly from Google rather than a carrier, and that it is not - say - a Samsung...

Exactly - powered devices that could go to the downed airman wherever they end up