
a TASTY baby - unfertilised

I wish the USA would NOT wash and bleach them so you could leave out of the counter...
Suggest that you bring out before you want to use, to get to room temperature, brings out the taste SO much more and yolk and whites cook together more ‘evenly’...

‘Pity’ that Ryan Air is not on the survey  ~grin~

His white boy cultural roots from South Africa in the 1970s and 1980s sure are showing through strongly now, ‘we’ always suspected they were there...

are built with care”

he was on his 10th day of a 19-day vacation

Musk, who is famous for his manufacturing expertise

Like FIFA having a world cup in Qatar?
Oh yeah, that was out and out bribery...

F1, I introduce you to the phrase: “Due Diligence

Reminds me of the arrogance of the grifter Scott Tucker making payday loans, even in states where these high-interest, low-principal loans were restricted or illegal, then trying to bribe 1st Nation tribes to hide them - all to fund his race car fetish... serving 16 years, thanks NY DOJ, nice work!

And the rest of us suffer when Texas then needs to go on the ‘open’ market for gas - and our prices get jacked...
IF you want to be out of the ‘co-op’, then stay out...

The “Well, actually...” Musk simps have not disappointed, especially in the greys...
(here with me...)

... the guidebook in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a science fiction novel that was very formative for Elon Musk...

And here I was thinking it was some biblical justice...

Cheese Grommit!

Total BS, Costco is not perfect, but its corporate ethics are orders of magnitude above, say, WalMart (which are zero)

Musk simps already in the chat with “well, actually”s  #BlessTheirHearts

It needs a blue or red Cylon ‘eye’ light moving backwards and forwards across the front of it...

Android / Google - stop trying to force my workflow / processes!

Simp fan boys with ‘well actually’s in 3... 2... 1...