
Fan boy jamboree, especially in the greys... hehehehehehehehe

BS, you have never travelled it seems

^^^^^ THIS!!!

Old technology and that is OK if you recognise that, robust... but I came here to say what you did...

... and THIS is where traffic circles / roundabouts are AWESOME!

ZERO registration, sometimes no plates, even on new-ish, often very nice cars - and cops don’t stop them... this includes transplants from another state that NEVER reregister in the state they move to...
Thanks goodness where I am that parking enforcement officers are now allowed to give these tickets!

Um, actually

The Um, actually is perfect, thank you...

They breed them special in Florida - behold Florida Man’s latest!

Side note - the amount of Epoch Times horrendous misinformation ‘ads’ that YouTube is putting in front of us is becoming sickening!!

^^^^^ Elon fan boy in da house!!!!

Wait until it gets scooped and taken to a chop shop in South Central...

That will take time, but countless people are already using passwords passkeys, and Google and Apple have already partnered with companies including Uber and eBay to adopt passkeys...”

Happy to stick with my 6 Pro for now, lots of room, amazing camera, but I am very glad that Google is staying as a ‘player’ in the mobile hardware game...

... and running over cyclists on purpose

In the dictionary under “staunch” you will now find...

The best ones get a ribbon...

With the first ‘Coke’ billboard in geosynchronous orbit, I am starting a fund to get it ‘shot’ down...

“Here is me and all my money!!!! $$$$$”
IRS: “hmmmm, wonder where that came from...”

and uninsured motorists, about ¾ of my bill, so much for enforcement