
This article is CALLING OUT for a schematic / map of the design!

Those TFT screen scare me, so easy to break off road IMHO and based on how I like to ride my 1200GS there, which is why I stuck with the older analog dials model...

I got your reasons also, yes, a staple crop indeed - that could and can be be grown in non-rapacious ways that is not so damn wasteful

How are they doing with server ‘rooms’ in undersea containers?

Most California rice is produced by direct seeding into standing water with permanent flood for most of the season (aka flood irrigation rather than, say, drip feeding or drill.) These high temp and lower humidity environments (aka very high evapotranspiration) and irrigation practices (aka mostly infiltration rather

They are such wasteful METHODS water-wise to grow food, especially in that environment, the luxury of almonds included; the ROI of Google’s water use is SO much better, subjectively...
(subtle sarcasm though, kudos...)

A drop in a VERY large bucket (pun of course intended) compared to, say, CA farmers growing almonds or flood irrigating rice...

There is a concept: due diligence

Mosquitos are out in force this year in Denver, at 5280 feet, we had a very very wet spring and early summer, but still, ‘weird’...

Was that Captian America corner?

Just from Adidas, as he blew through $75 million earmarked for marketing on NOT that...

I guess it could have been a different ‘stylised’ and coded letter...

I guess X is more meta than Meta? ~roll~

I just tweeted, sorry, Xed about how upset I am...  /s

There product, they get to make the rules... and you voted with your feet...

You must have been a master debator at HS - and presumably are comfortable being a thief
Attempted obfuscation noted - and dismissed! #BlessYourHeart /s

Her connection is that she is a grifter, and not afraid to steal things for personal gain..

Seems reasonable, theft is theft - and if you try and spin it another, then you are condoning theft.
The rules of their services are pretty clear, don’t like them? Leave...

22 (!) slides of effectively - if not exactly! - the same thing?

with her body...

Is it hers to keep?