
Bring it!!!!

and they are still trying to stiff you for 7%+ APR?!

In unrelated news, a sudden surge of power was noted in this region from wind farms

(yes, the logitics, etc)

Is it like The Birth of a Nation?  /s

Usually ‘starring’ Kevin Sorbo and/or Kirk Cameron?

You have restored - a little - my faith that sarcasm can still be a too for good!

Normalised for the number of either sort of vehicles on the roads at any given time, I would guess that you are wrong...
Further, once a non-driverless vehicle (sic) recognise that ARE in the way, they would be able to react and move much much faster out of the dang way than a driverless

I am looking to develop a device/process that can (surreptitiously) ‘superglue’ glue a Lime, etc scooter’s wheels to the ground...
(after is has been moved out of the middle of the sidewalk or pedestrian way where it has of course been left by the often-drunk morons that ride such things)

Civil disobedience is wonderful!!

In Denver, motorcyclists needed (past tense) to have a transponder for using combined HOV + toll lanes, eveb though Federal money was used in part to build these lanes and motorcyclist in HOV lanes (legally) travel for free (for good reason)
Having a transponder meant you had to set up

The Friends lego kit:

Ditto, and the whole “of good character” part

Twitter Clearing House?

Musk simps in 3... 2... 1...

Attempted obfuscation noted - and dismissed! #BlessYourHeart /s

Insurance is legalised theft... that laws ‘force’ on you...

Counterpoint - uninsured motorist coverage is a HUGE portion of your insurance premium.... 

many times they can be a nuisance

Looking around the screen on the dash to drive it properly, NO thanks!

I had one of those as a loaner whilst there was a recall fix on my 1200GS, not a bad little-ish bike EXCEPT it has for me the worst ergonomics... I am 5'10" and around 180lbs, and I felt all bent in strange-ish directions... in ways that my other ½’s 850 does not... weird...

$15+ for a single beer
MJ, mushrooms, MDMA, etc that you can ingest before you arrive...

Handlers can gussy the girl up from the metaphorical trailer, but...