
I believe it. No crazy stories from the Cohan era Warriors surprise me.

Rudy Tomjanovich

Definitely not as good a joke as the Cowboys’ playoff resume since Super Bowl XXX.

Now playing

Heart was the second major rock act to come out of Seattle (following Hendrix) and they do great Zeppelin!

Ho boy

“The rock was actually at the top of the mountain.  

Felger will die from a heart attack while having sex in the missionary position.

Wait, isn’t this the moron who’s always shitting on people for taking paternity leave? What an opportune moment to publicly remind people to care more about their families.

No free rides for the other Li-La based children.

“Fuck these prices. I gotta save money for my brother’s shoes.”

LiAngelo probably thought the shopkeepers would be just like LaVar and not pay any attention to him.

Don’t you mean BIG BUG LARVA. Figs are so gross.

Lol. Yeah, let me replace my milk with a fucking quarter pound of sesame seeds. That sounds delicious.

“Truther is a moronic pejorative.”

Herring is only food during wartime

It’s only a pejorative if you’re a filthy truther.

Well I’ll be goddamned, why didn’t anyone tell me before now that I could get my daily calcium intake from fourteen mouthfuls of sesame seeds

I’m with you. Nothing tastes better on cereal than a nice big pour of winged beans.

Because who the fuck is going to eat half a pound of bok choy every goddamned day? A glass of milk in the morning or with cookies at bedtime or after a good workout is incredibly easy AND delicious. Of the items you listed, only almonds and orange juice are something people might have every day and the OJ has WAY more

I didn’t know there were milk truthers.